4 (ambi, muffy)

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I leave Tj's room with a wide smile on my face, I'm kinda confident in telling Andi that I like her. I just have to find the right way to do it.

I pull out my phone and look at her contact, my thumb hovering over the call button. I need it to be perfect. I hit the button and it rings a couple times till she picked up:


"Hey, Andi! I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go hangout at the spoon with me tomorrow, I'm not working and I could get us a discount on a shake to share?"

"Oh yeah, that sounds like fun!" She sounded excited, "will anyone come with or is it just us two?"

I fall back onto my bed. "I was thinking just the two of us, if that's okay with you?" I could pretty much hear her amazing smile through the phone. "Yeah that's fine, what time?"

"Around 3-ish."

"Alright, see ya then!"

And with that, we hung up, I smiled and closed my eyes, picturing her looking perfect as ever with her plump, kissable lips and amazing eyes and just overall beautiful face.

She's basically perfection.

Une nuit courte et une journée encore plus courte. (A short night and even shorter day later.)


This 'shake date' gives me the perfect opportunity to tell Amber the feelings I have for her. They aren't just spur of the moment things, I felt this way for almost a while now.

They build up even higher every time I get to see her face, and talk to her, and spend time with her, and be a part of her life. Damn i forgot what a crush feels like.

I adjust my jacket before stepping into the Spoon, I see Amber sitting over in a booth by the window all by herself, a dessert menu spread out in front of her.

I take the seat across from her and smile, "hi Amber. "

She looks up at me, smiling just as wide, "hey Andi!" She pushed the menu over to me, "what do you wish to drink today?"

I point at the strawberry shake and she nods, "thought so." Soon, a waitress of our own comes over with an order pad, a fake smile plastered on her face as Amber ordered out shake.

"One large strawberry shake, two straws please."

She wrote it down quickly before walking away, not saying a word.

Amber and I looked at each other.

"So there's something I have to tell you." We both say at the same time, we giggle a bit. "You go first, no you go first." We continue to speak at the same time.

She puts a finger over her lips and shush's me. My expression goes straight as she holds her own hand.

What could she possibly have to tell me?

"Andi, I want you to know that I like you, and i have for a while now but I just haven't had the courage to tell you until now."

WAIT- Amber Kippen, the beautiful blonde girl that I like, likes me back?!


"I understand if you don't like me back and its perfectly fine if you don't, I just want you to know and hope that this doesn't mess up the friendship that we've built so far." She continued to fumble with her hands.

"Amber I-"

"I'm sorry if this messes things up! I don't want it to be ruined and if you're okay with it just-"

"Amber hush!" I say, almost loud enough to be a shout but not exactly there yet, "I like you too."

"Wait- you do?" She asks, I nod eagerly and she smiles again. "She likes me back! Oh yes, the sweet release of no more secrets!" She jokes, we laugh a bit.

"This was alot easier than they make it out to be." She says, furrowing her brows as she thinks.

"I know right!?"

The waitress returned with our milkshake, two straws just like we asked. "You two cuties have fun now," she said sweetly, her smile seeming more genuine this time.

"Thanks, you too." I say awkwardly realizing that this means I called her cute.

I quickly unwrap the straw as the waitress leave us, Amber also unwrapped hers. We both drank from the shake at the same time, I pulled away before her though.

"So what does this make us?"

She wipes her mouth, "what?"

"We both have mutual feelings for each other but I dont know what we are, so what am I to you?"

"Oh um, I dont know. Maybe we could call each other. . . girlfriends?" I nod happily as I take another gulp from the dairy in front of us.

"That sounds great, yes."

"Good." She says, placing her hand on top of mine on the table. I smile and hold her hand.

"You're my girlfriend!" We both say at the same time again, laughing afterward.

Passer un peu~ (Skip a little)


I walk down the hall with a smile on my face, my chin up as I walk through the school.

I hear footsteps approaching me from my side, I look over to see Cyrus, smiling even wider than I was.

"Buffy, Buffy, Buffy, Buffyyyy!" He yells into my ear.

I pur my hand over my ear and glare at him, "what do you want Cyrus?"

He giggles, "I saw you and Marty."

My eyes widen a bit, "you-you did?" He seems to smile even wider, if that's even a possibility. "I sure did. . . aww look! You're blushing!"

I cover up my cheeks and tilt my head down, "honestly, you two are so cute together. You're probably the cutest couple in school right now."

"Cyrus, we're not together. Marty doesn't like me in that way anymore." His smile went a little dim and he shrugged.

"I doubt that, you guys are pretty much the perfect match for each other."

"It seems like he doesn't see that, it's okay though, I'm fine with that."

He put a hand on my shoulder and tilted his head; "of course he doesn't see that, he's a guy. Guys can be dumb, and blind, and totally oblivious."

"I 100% agree."

"You should go talk to him about it, tell him how you actually feel, I'm sure he feels the same about you too."

"Yeah, totally. . ."

Kinda shorter than the others but who gives any craps
Also I outlined that picture up there ^^
Hope you've enjoyed
Have a good day/night/whenever.

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