5 (wonah, tyrus, muffy, ambi)

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Buffy sits down at our table with a frown, we all look at her with worried faces.

"Everything okay, Buff?" Cyrus asks as she shakes her head.

"No, it's not. Walker is trying to talk to me about-" she stopped herself as she noticed Marty sitting at the table with us. "Sorry, Marty, could you please leave real quick? I kinda dont want you to hear this."

He nodded, "oh uh, yeah sure." He stood and walked off so Buffy could continue. She looks at me and smiles awkwardly.

"Walker keeps trying to talk to mee!"

"So what? You know just because you two aren't together anymore doesn't mean you can't be friends." Cyrus says, smiling at her as she frowns even more.

"I dont wanna be his friend! I'm making it very obvious that I don't but he's just so persistent." She crosses her arms.

"Just because you're making it obvious doesn't mean that he's catching onto it." Andi says as I lean forward on the table.

"Yeah, I mean I've been making it obvious that I like him and I still don't think that he's caught on." I say, smiling sadly.

"Oh my god you are SO blind!" Andi yelled, not too loudly though.

"What do you mean, Jonah? He TOTALLY likes you back, it's just neither of you have made any moves on each other." Buffy adds, smiling happily again.

I blush, "wait, you guys really think that Walker likes me back?"

Cyrus chimes in, "we KNOW he likes you back." I grin widely.

"Do you guys think I should try to make a move?" I stand up to go find him.

"Definitely!" They all say at once.

I walk over to Marty and smile, "I think it's safe for you to go back now."


It's basically the perfect time for me to tell them about Amber, but should I? I dont know if Amber would be okay with it, I mean we are 'girlfriends' and we have been for about a week, so is it time yet?

I pull out my phone and begin typing a message to Amber, asking if I can tell my bestest friends about her.

"No nuh uh, you are not typing a message to anyone right now. Who can you even be texting? Is it Walker? Or Jonah?" Buffy questions, I look up from my phone and smile: "Amber, actually."

"Wait really?" Cyrus tilts his head and I nod. "Why are you texting her? She's like one of the least likely people to text you back-" my phone buzzes loudly, interrupting Cyrus and his paragraph.

"Oh look at that, she texted back." I look down and read it: go ahead and tell them!

I smile even wider as I look up from my phone, Buffy looks at me weirdly. "What's going on, why are you so happy? Is there something you're not telling us?"

"Uh yeah, actually. There is something I need to tell you guys." They nod eagerly, "Amber and I are... together. "

"Together?" Buffy asks, leaning forward.

"Like, together together?" Cyrus inquired. "Yup, all of those things." I respond, smiling as they relax and lean back.

"Oh, well good for you." They say at the same time, we all laugh in unison.

"So you guys just don't care?" I ask at the end of our laughing fit.

"Don't care about what?" Marty requires as he takes a seat beside Buffy at our table.

"Oh just Andi's little girlfriend that's actually older than us." Buffy said back happily.

"Oh, Andi I didnt know that were we into chicks... so you're like bi or?" He tilts his hand and Buffy looks at him weirdly.

"I'm pan, actually." I cut in, stopping Buffy from whatever she was gonna say.

"Oh. Cool." He shrugged and chuckled a bit.

"Andi's pan, Cyrus is gay, Jonah is bi, it seems like I'm the only straight one anymore." Buffy said, placing her head in her hands.

"Dont worry, Buff. We'll find the right person to convert you to 'the gay side'." Me and Cyrus joke.

"Oh, well I'm straight." Marty said, grinning stupidly.

"Even better!" Cyrus said. We all laugh like idiots. They would be a good couple though.

"Alright, I better get going, don't wanna be late to class. Again." Marty stood up.

We all told him our goodbyes and Buffy leaned over the table awkwardly.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna tell Marty that I like him soon."

"Took ya long enough," Cyrus and I say in unison.

Buffy laughs and shakes her head, "we're hanging out together at the spoon and I think that's where I wanna do it.."

"Well good for you, it really is about time though."

"Whatever," she shrugged us off and stood up, "see you guys in fifth?" We nod and split up.


I smile as I walk away from the table, leaving my friends behind as I head off to class. I look around to see Tj, walking over my way.

"Hey Tj."

"Hey Cyrus, are you free tomorrow after school?"

I nod, "yeah, why?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to take me up on my offer of us hanging out at the park then heading off to the spoon to eat?"

"Oh yeah," I think for a moment about Buffy and Marty going to the spoon. It's unlikely that we'll be there at the same time anyway; "sure, I'd love to."

"Alright then, so I'm gonna get going?"

"Wait Tj, before you go, can I ask you, what would you say that we are?"

"What do you mean, Cy?" He asks, his walking more like skipping happily now.

"I mean like relationship wise, what would you say that I am to you?"

"Oh um.." he pauses to think for a moment. "I'd say that you're my boyfriend and that we are together?"

"That's what I'd say too!" I say and he smiles widely. "That's good, but when do you think we should start telling people? I mean we've been together basically two weeks now.."

"Well, I was actually thinking that we should only tell our closest friends, like Andi and Buffy.. but only them."

"Why only them?"

"Because i kinda dont want some of my friends to know, we both know that they're not the nicest and they might make for of me for it, ya know?"

"Oh, yeah I get that."
But aren't i more important?

"Thank you for understanding," he looks around nervously before leaving me a kiss on my cheek. I smile.

"Have a good day, Teej."

All done.
They're going on another date tomorrow but so are Buffy and Martyyyy.
Okay, bye-bye.

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