3 (tyrus, muffy, ambi)

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It's been a good while since Buffy and I hung out just the two of us, so I decided that I would invite her out with me.

Nothing fancy because we're not a couple, of course, and I really don't believe that she wants us to be.
She was right though, we do work good as just friends.

She doesn't know that I started liking her again, and that's fine. I don't really want her to know in case it messes up our friendship, again.

I break out of my thoughts as I hear her voice coming beside me.

"Hey there Mr. Party, what's up?" She asks, smiling as she takes the seat beside me.

"Oh nothing really, just trying to think of a way that I could invite you out but not make it weird and seem like I like you again and ruin our friendship all over again. . . So ya know, the usual."

We laugh a little at this before returning back to normal.

"Well you could just say: 'Oh Buffy, wanna go out? Just as friends because last time I had feelings for you, i basically ruined everything.' "

I frown, "very funny, Driscoll." She tilts her head at me. "wanna go out? Just as friends because last time I had feelings for you, I basically ruined everything?" I say jokingly, we laugh again at this.

"Sure, why not?" I smile, "meet me at [restaurant] at 6?"

"See ya there."

Plus tard, sur leur totalement pas date (Later, on their totally not date)


I let Marty lead me into the restaurant and pick a table, I just didn't want to. He's so sweet sometimes. . . What am I thinking?

I look around the room happily before placing my eyes back on Marty who was now blabbering on about who knows what.

I sigh and examine his face, his cute dimples poking out occasionally while he talks. After a bit of nothing, I get the feeling of eyes on me, like someone is looking at me.

I look around the room again to see Tj and Cyrus, what the hell are they doing here?! I look away almost immediately.

Cyrus knows that I like Marty, if he sees us out together like this he's gonna think it's a date. I decide to pay all attention to Marty for the rest of the date- I mean, not date.


I'm not really one to admit when I'm nervous, but boy am I nervous. I stand outside of Cy's front door, working up the courage to knock when he finally opened the door on his own.

"Oh, sorry teej, I don't think i heard you knocking, hope you didnt have to wait to long."

"Oh it's nothing." He smiled at me and I had to work to hide the blush that was creeping up my neck and almost to my face. "Let's get going, shall we?" I ask, he looks down to see the flower I forgot that i was holding, i smile and hand it to him.

He took the flower and set it down quickly inside before walking out again and closing the door.

"Soooo, where are we going?" He asked, glancing at my hand as he took it into his, pulling us closer together.

"I uh- I have no idea. You pick."

Honestly, I can barely think straight with him holding my hand like this, I know that we had our little moments yesterday, but I wasnt expecting it to come this far... how am I gonna survive tonight?

I was so caught up in thought that I had barely noticed we were now standing outside a restaurant until Underdog got really close to my face, trying to grasp my attention once again.

"Tj? Helloooooo?" I rolled my eyes and gently pushed his face away from mine, trying to act practical while my face was burning, hot as an oven.

He laughed and dragged me inside to get us a table. I sat down awkwardly as we ordered some drinks.

I glanced around the room, spotting two very familiar faces in my view. It was Buffy and that one guy from some of my classes, Marty, I think his name is. Of course they picked today to hang out.

Soon Buffy saw me staring, she smiled awkwardly before breaking our eye contact. I look back at Cyrus and thanked the waiter for our drinks.

We talked about all sorts of things for what felt like hours and eventually finished eating our meals. It was actually getting pretty late and we decided to walk back to Cyrus' place to hang out.

It was a little chilly outside and I'm noticing it starting to get to Cyrus. I took off my jacket and handed it to him.

"Tj I'm fine, I dont need your jacket, you do."

"Cyrus, I insist that you take it. I'll be fine without it." I say as I wrap an arm around him. It actually isn't bad for me, it wasnt that cold to me. I just have to give Cyrus happiness before the night is over.

Soon we made it to his home.

"I had a really good night, tj, and I really should do this again sometime, b-but only if you want to. It's okay if you don't. You don't have to if you don't want to-"

Before he could continue I cut him off with a soft kiss on the lips. I close my eyes and he did too. Both of us pulled back, satisfied with what we had just shared once again, we were both practically speechless and red as an apple.

"Of course we can do it again, just give me a time when you'd like and we'll do it. Ok?" He nodded and I began off on my way back to my own home.

Un peu plus tard~ (A bit later)

I smile as I flop down on my bed, thinking back to our date today and our moments we had yesterday. I hear a knock and glance up to see Amber, standing in my doorway with a smile. "I'm guessing it went well?"

"It went great!" I say, sitting up as she places herself on my bed. "I really enjoy spending time with him like this. Better than nothing."

"Yeah, I wish my crush had time for me." she said, her eyes widened as she realizes what she let slip.

"Ooh, ooh! You have to tell me who it is!"

"I have to, now?"

"Yes, or else I am disowning you as my sister and never speaking to you again." I fold my arms and she shakes her head.

"Fine." She looks down at her fumbling hands and sighs, "you know Cyrus's friend Andi?" I nod eagerly; "well it's kinda her who I like. . ."

"Oh my god Amber! You have to tell her! You guys would be sooo cute!"

"I cant tell her."

"And why not?"

"She's totally straight."

I grin even wider, "so was I until Cyrus came along."

She pushed me over playfully, "damn you, younger brother."

"You can not call me that." I say, face how more serious.

"Why's that?"

"Because I'm only younger than you by two minutes!"

We both laugh at this, when we finally come back to our senses she looks me straight in the eye.

"I'm gonna tell her."

"Good for you, sis."

Lil sneaky filler here at the end uwu.
Hope you enjoyed.
Ambi, Wonah, and actual Muffy, coming soon ;))
Well, Wonah, not so much. Just have to wait a bit.
Soz hun.

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