Chapter 2 - Filthy Stinkin' Rich

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Chapter 2 - Filthy Stinkin' Rich

The room at the end of the hall was ginormous.  Savanna hadn't been lying when she said it was the best; I almost had a heart attack just walking in.  Double doors with golden, curly handles opened into a wide, extravagant bedroom fit for a princess.  My jaw dropped as I took everything in, letting my suitcase fall to the floor.

Plush, white carpet spread throughout the interior, contrasting with the dark purple walls.  One wall was painted pure white, decorated with tall, spiral writing that said 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'  Against the white wall was a queen size bed, decorated with what looked like the most comfortable pillows ever, backed up to a huge bay window.  I ran and jumped on the bed, grunting when I bounced up and down several times before coming to a stop.

There were two doors on either side of the room, both shut tight.  A desk, complete with a shiny new MacBook, rested in the corner along with a pure white bookcase; instead of books it held empty picture frames, modern art statues, and a gold-tinted Starbucks cup.  There was even a fireplace on the exterior facing wall!  Exactly how loaded are these people? I thought to myself, rolling from the bed.

After everything I'd been through, the thought of food was appalling.  The past few days I hadn't eaten much but a few crackers that Arielle had forced into me.  Instead of changing for dinner, I grabbed some sweats from my suitcase and headed into the bathroom.

It was just as extraordinary, with a walk in shower and a separate - and huge, I might add - bathtub that looked fit for a queen.  Savanna had even gone to the trouble of setting a few bath bombs to the side, along with some fancy looking body wash.  Was she trying to spoil me?  I was baffled; what kind of stranger spends this much money for girls she doesn't even know?

After running a bath, locking my door, and grabbing my headphones, I lowered myself into the steaming water.  The bath bomb smelt like strawberries, and the burning water felt pleasant against my skin.  I immediately felt ten times more relaxed - there was just something about a bath that hit the spot after a few harsh, draining days.

Well, in my case it was more like weeks.

I had probably been in the tub for around twenty minutes, listening to my favorite songs on repeat, when a loud, buzzing sound ripped through the air.  I sat up straight, almost knocking my phone into the water and hitting my knee against the marble side.  

"Dinner's ready, girls," a chirpy, energetic voice rang, making me wrinkle my eyebrows.  I looked around, pulling my knees up to my chest self-consciously.  That voice undoubtedly came from Savanna, but where was she?  It sounded like she was in the room with me.

Finally, I spotted a square piece of technology mounted on the wall next to the tub  It was just a touch screen, covered in buttons labeled kitchen, living room, laundry room, second floor, third floor, garage, and so on.  My jaw dropped slightly as I stared at it, hardly believing my eyes.  This house was full of never ending surprises, and I had only been here an hour.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry, and I will not hesitate to eat all the food mom set out for you."


Something told me that intercom system would get really annoying really quickly.

I got out of the tub and dried off, putting my hair in a bun and shrugging on some lazy day clothes before exiting my room.  The hallway was empty, and the top floor was eerily quiet, so I guessed I was the only one left.  Everyone else must've been down for dinner already.  Great, that meant I had to find the dining room all alone in this maze of a house.

I walked towards the stairs, wrapping my arms around myself.  Even in the oversized hoodie I had thrown on I felt chilly.  I felt like the house was swallowing me, consuming every ounce of myself I had left.  It was absolutely gigantic, and these people - though some hated me - were so nice.  I wasn't used to kindness, especially from strangers.  All through school I had been picked on because I didn't have a mom or a dad.  After seventeen years of it, I had gotten used to living in the shadows.  It didn't seem like Savanna would allow that here, though.  Already I felt like I was being forced out of my shell, and I didn't like it.

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