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It was early in the morning when you were waiting for your brother. You wanted to spend the whole day with him, since it was your last, but he was late. You even made breakfast for him. The smell of your cooking was lingering everywhere. And you knew he couldn't resist your pancakes.

Just then you heard footsteps behind you.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Morning." He was scratching his head and yawned. Then he sat down and waited for you to place a plate of food in front of him.

When he was digging in you couldn't hold back a smile. Jungkook looked like a little kid munching on his food.

"Y/N, you're creepy when you're smiling like that."

Your expression immediately went blank. "Yah, how can you be so mean!? Did you forget that today is my last day? I even made breakfast for you!" You were about to slap him, but he easily dodged you. "I was joking, calm down." He chuckled and went to do the dishes.

"So, what do you want to do? Do you have any plans for today?"

You gave him a wide grin. "We're going to have a lot of fun."

It was a long walk to your destination and Jungkook was whining after the first 5 minutes. But when you arrived his mouth opened in amazement.

"Do you remember this place? We used to come and play here all day long when we were kids."

He just nodded, still not closing his mouth. Both of you reminisced about your childhood. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You felt a light breeze. The grasses tickled your bare legs, while the sun was shining on your face. When you opened your eyes again, Jungkook stood just a few inches away from you.

"BOOOO!!!" He scared you out of nowhere and on top of that he threw a handful of grass right into your face.


"Catch me, if you can!" He stuck his tongue out and started running. You didn't hesitate and ran after him, still cursing at your stupid brother. The air was filled with your laughter as the two of you were chasing each other over the meadow.

You finally stopped running when you were out of breath, still laughing, because you just felt like a 6 year old again.

"Hey, Y/N. Do you hear that?"

You chuckled at his sudden question. "Hear what?"

Jungkook gestured you to listen. After a few seconds, you looked at each other. "The beach!!!"

Then you followed a path that led to the beach. The sound of the waves were getting clearer and Jungkook was jumping around out of excitement.

"WOW!" Jungkook immediately took off his shoes and sprinted towards the water. You just laughed putting your shoes next to Jungkook's. Then you went after him. The cold water hit your feet and a shiver ran down your spine. It was really refreshing and you trailed in even deeper. Unexpectedly, a load of water was thrown at your back and you shrieked at the sudden impact. You turned around, your wet shirt was sticking to your skin and Jungkook just stood there, giving you an evil smile.

"I swear, if you're doing that agai-" You were interrupted by another splash of water which left you soaking wet. Oh, now you were mad and you won't go easy on Jungkook and as soon as he spotted your lunatic grin he had to gulp.

"Y/N, I-I'm sorry......"

When you sat down in the sand you were exhausted and all wet. It was getting dark and you had to go back soon. Jungkook and you enjoyed the last light of the sun, hoping that your clothes would dry at least a little bit. Just the sound of the sea was audible, the air carried the scent of the salt water to your noses. It was perfect. Jungkook broke the silence, but his eyes remained on the water. He didn't want to look at you.

"Y/N....." He stopped. However, you knew what he was about to say. You let him finish his sentence anyway.

"Y/N, do.... Do you really have to go?"


"Can't you just stay here?"

You smiled softly and turned him to look at you. "Jungkook, I have to go there. Our aunt is sick and mom and dad can't take care of her, because of their work."


"I will use that opportunity to study abroad on a really good high school."

"I'm going to be all alone..."

"No, you won't be alone. You will make a lot of friends at your new school."

Jungkook knew that he can't persuade you to stay. His eyes were teary and he used his sleeves to wipe the tears away. It was really touching to know that your brother will miss you, so you pulled him into a hug. He was surprised when you also patted his head. But he didn't hesitate and hugged you back. You remained in that position for a while, until you loosened your grip around him and got up. You grabbed your shoes and walked along the water. Jungkook was still sitting in the sand when you looked back, watching your every move.

"Come on, we have to go back."

He slowly stood up and went next to you. Barefoot you strolled along the sea, enjoying the view and watching the sky change its color to a beautiful mixture of blue, purple and orange.

After you walked for 10 minutes you spotted a lonely tree, standing in the middle of the dunes.

"Jungkook, look!" You pointed at the tree and headed towards it.

"It's just a tree."

"Yeah, but it looks so sad..." The tree reminded you of yourself. But it will be alone forever. It won't make any friends and that somehow made you upset. An idea popped up in your head. You took a run-up and threw your shoes as high as possible, hoping that they will get stuck in the tree.

"Y/N, what are you doing?!"

When you saw that your shoes got caught between the branches, you smiled triumphantly.

"Hey, how will you get them down again?"

"I won't. My shoes will stay there until I'm coming back again to get them from that tree."

Jungkook frowned at your words. He looked at you as if you have lost your mind.

"And then, you will come with me."

He just rolled his eyes and nodded. Then he pulled you by your arm to go back home.

"Jungkook... I don't think I can walk all the way without my shoes."

He glared at you. "I won't piggyback you home, Y/N."

It was the next morning. You were checking if you packed all your stuff. When you were sure that everything was there, you zipped up your suitcase.

"Jungkook, I'm ready!"

He entered your room to help you with your things, wanting to put your suitcase inside the car, but instead he pouted at you.

"My back still hurts, Y/N."

You looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, Kookie. I'll carry that myself."

When all your luggage was placed in the trunk, Jungkook drove you to the airport.

The airport wasn't very crowded. It was still early in the morning and just a few people arrived after their long flight. You headed towards your gate, your steps echoing through the big main terminal. It was quiet and you had to admit that you couldn't control your feelings anymore.

In no time you arrived at your destination.

Time to say goodbye.

Jungkook gave you a last warm hug when he saw your glimmering eyes, whispering into your ear.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Kookie."

You parted from your hug and smiled at Jungkook for the last time.

Then you left.

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