Chapter 6 - Mother

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You froze, not moving even an inch. There was a guy with a blanket and he slowly got up, wiping his eyes without looking at you.

"I just wanted to sleep in peace... who..." He stopped talking to look up. His voice was low and he pierced you with his cold eyes. You had to gulp.

I just woke up a monster

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I just woke up a monster...

You removed your hand from your mouth. "I-I-I'm so sorry. I thought nobody was here and when I saw you, I almost had a heart attack." You muttered as the boy in front of you was pretty much intimidating. He just looked at you, not saying a single word.

"Ah, I won't disturb you any longer." You headed towards the door with fast steps.


You stopped and turned around.

"You're Y/N, right?" I'm not even surprised anymore. You nodded.

"And let me guess, you're a friend of Jungkook, right?"

"Jungkook? I barely know him. Anyways, I'm Yoongi." He said blatantly.

"Then, how do you know my name?"

"Oh, Jin told me. He said he met you yesterday. I assume you're here because of him?"


"Of course she is." Another person interfered and cut you off. Yoongi and you whipped your head around and were greeted by a smiling Jin.

"I mean, look at me. I'm extremely handsome, there's nobody who could withstand my good looks." The boy, who was a little too fond of himself posed for a while and then went over to you.

" The boy, who was a little too fond of himself posed for a while and then went over to you

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You nudged Yoongi and whispered. "Is he always like that?"

"Most of the time, yeah."

"Yah, stop whispering!" Jin felt offended and glared at the both of you, who were pretty amused.

"Well, I wanted to give that to you." You reached into your bag and took your lunch box out.

"Here, I wanted to thank you for yesterday, so I made this sandwich for you."

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