Chapter 5 - Old Bakery

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It was really quiet when you looked back and forth between Jimin and Jungkook. They just stared back, unsure why you didn't say anything. Well, there was an unanswered question in your mind: Why would Jimin press the emergency button for me?

"Why did you do that, Jimin?" You faced the boy, his confident expression fell and he suddenly looked kind of nervous. He fiddled with the hem of his shirt and his eyes were glued to the ground.

"Well, you looked a little uncomfortable when that Chris-guy showed up." He paused and locked eyes with yours. His confidence was back in its full strength. And you were astonished by his fierce gaze.

"I thought it would be best, if he leaves." He continued with a firm voice. You were bewildered, because you didn't expect Jimin to be such an observant person. Jungkook's voice brought you back to reality, out of Jimin's eyes in which you dangerously got lost without noticing.

"So, who was he?" He stared at you expectantly, waiting for an answer. But you hoped not to be asked that question. There were a lot of things you had to explain, but you didn't know how or what to say first.

"Okay, uhm.... his name is Chris and we went to the same school when I was abroad."

Jimin furrowed his brows. "Y/N, that doesn't explain why you were so stiff when you saw him."

You squinted your eyes in frustration. Why does he care about that so much?

You knew that you couldn't avoid that question anymore. You had to tell them now. Jimin tried to hide his serious expression behind a fake smile. And Jungkook didn't say anything. He just patiently waited for you to answer. You sighed.

"I think he was obsessed with me and it seems like he still is.... At first he was really nice but after a while some of my classmates told me that he had a crush on me. He started to follow me everywhere. I always could see him hiding and glancing at me from a far. So I avoided him at school but one day he waited for me in front of our aunt's house to pick me up. I told him that I didn't like him in that way, but he didn't want to listen and he certainly didn't want to accept it. He then started to shout at me, but our aunt happened to be at home and she helped me to get away from him. After that incident, she insisted that I had to go back since she felt better as well and didn't need me anymore. I decided to not tell anyone except my home room teacher. And it seems like he couldn't keep it to himself..."

Both boys went absolutely quiet. They had to process what you just told them. Jungkook was the first one to reply.

"You......him.......I........our aunt........" Just pieces of words left his mouth instead of full sentences. He just didn't know how to react or what to say.

"And he even followed you here? He absolutely is obsessed." Jimin's voice was low and barely audible. He clenched his fists and his face darkened. You opened your mouth to say something but you were interrupted by a male voice. A doctor had entered the room, slightly surprised when he saw you.

"Y/N? Oh, it's nice to see you again but visiting time ended a while ago."

You were relieved. "Oh, then I will leave right now. Bye, guys!"

And you ran off in the speed of lightning.

It was getting dark outside but you didn't want to go home yet. You thought that Chris might wait for you outside, but fortunately he wasn't there. You decided to wander through your home town, looking for familiar houses. Well, there were a lot of new buildings which were huge and didn't really fit in the city scape. You recognized the old bakery, where you used to work part time and went inside. It was the same irresistible smell of freshly baked bread, which greeted you when you entered. A smile formed on your face when you remembered how you worked here every day after school. You went to the counter and ordered hot chocolate. Since it was cold outside you looked for a place to sit, so you could enjoy your warm drink.


You turned around to the person who called your name.

"Aigoo, it's really you. How have you been?" Your eyes widened in surprise, but you immediately showed a warm smile.

"Aunty, it's been a while!" It was the owner of the bakery. She was really close to you, so you gave her a tight hug.

"Let's have a seat." You sat down with her and took a sip of your hot chocolate.

"Hehe, you didn't change at all, still drinking hot chocolate." She snickered quietly.

"So, tell me when did you come back? I thought you would be away longer. Did something happen?"

"I arrived 3 days ago. But nothing happened, don't worry." You answered quickly. The old lady looked you in the eyes. You felt uncomfortable with her staring at you like this. So you quickly took another gulp of your drink.

"You don't have to pretend that you're alright. You had to be strong ever since your parents left, but sometimes you are allowed to be weak. So, tell me what happened."

You couldn't hide your feelings in front of her. She was right you always tried to look strong, even if you were hurt inside. Your vision blurred, because of the tears which formed in your eyes and which were about to roll down and make your injuries visible. But you didn't care. These tears had to be shed, so that the weight on your shoulders would become less. So you cried, while aunty patted your back comfortingly. You didn't tell her your reason, but she also didn't push you to do so. She was a really understanding woman. She also offered you to work part time in the bakery again and you didn't hesitate and accepted. Then aunty gave you a last warm hug before you left.

Once again the cold air hit your face and dried the last trails of tears. You shivered when the wind blew on your bare neck. So you pulled up the collar of your jacket and quickly went home.

You were up really early the next day. You didn't wake up because you felt so much better after crying your heart out. And you actually were excited for school, no for work. You cooked yourself breakfast and also made something for lunch, because you still planned to avoid Chris and join Jin on the roof. While humming an earwig, you packed your stuff and left your house. You passed the bus stop and strolled along a park. It was nice to walk when the weather was so good. You enjoyed the fresh air and were amazed by the beauty of the park. You didn't realize how fast the time went by and soon you arrived at school.

The lesson was boring as always, until the teacher wrote something on the black board: GROUP PROJECT. The heads of the students shot up and they shouted through the class room to their friends. But the teacher quickly silenced them.

"No need to shout. I already chose who will work together." The sound of disappointment sounded in the class room. But after that everyone hoped to be partnered up with a friend or someone smart. You were lucky. Your partner was Hoseok. When you turned to him he showed you a thumbs up and you just smiled in response.

Then class ended

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Then class ended.

"And don't forget, that you have to present your project in two days! Ah, they never listen..."

Instead of going to the cafeteria, you headed to the roof top right away. You wanted to give Jin something of your lunch to thank him for giving you one of his sandwiches. Nobody was there. Maybe he's late.

When you turned around, you let out a surprised shriek, but covered your mouth quickly. Nevertheless, it was too late.

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