Chapter 13 - Bloody Morning

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Okay, now you were panicking. Tae couldn't tell anyone about what he just witnessed and certainly not Jungkook. He might explode. He never liked any of your boyfriends. Maybe he will beat Jimin or something like that, but one thing was for sure: You didn't want any kind of bloodshed.

Tae's gaze wandered through the kitchen until it fell onto the glass on the floor, while you were still contemplating your options.

"I must be dreaming..." Taehyung said mostly to himself but that was your cue.

"Yeah, right. You're dreaming, Taehyung. All of this is just a dream, so let's go back into the living room." Your voice was high-pitched as you felt like you were talking to a child. Anyway the perplexed boy nodded and yawned while you glanced over to Jimin who didn't believe that Taehyung really fell for that.

"Let's go, Jimin." He nodded and all of you went back to the others who were still asleep. Jimin quickly jumped over to the sofa where Taehyung must have lied before and shoved the other boy away, who just grumbled and went to the sofa where Jungkook was. You frowned when you understood what he did, but you weren't complaining at all. If Taehyung lied down there again, Jimin and you would have to sleep on the floor, so you gladly accepted the seat next to him. He grabbed a blanket and covered the both of you with it. You blushed when you felt his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.

"Let's cuddle a little bit, Y/N." You looked at Jimin and then turned around to see if the guys were really sleeping before you nodded and leaned your head onto Jimin's shoulder. It was warm and comfortable and in no time you fell asleep.

You woke up to rustling next to your ear. Jimin was turning in his sleep and you just stared at him for a while.

Jimin was indeed beautiful. There was something about the shape of his lips that really attracted you to him. You wanted to run your finger over his lips but immediately stopped when he moved.

You snapped back to reality when he moved again and quickly looked away, because you thought Jimin might catch you staring at him. A sigh of relief left your mouth when you were sure that he was still sleeping. You carefully removed the blanket from your body and stood up. You made your way over to the bathroom and evaded Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok who were sleeping on the floor.

When you arrived, you were admiring Hoseok's interior. Everything looked modern and new. The last time you were here you saw only the living room. But your thoughts went back to last night, when you looked into the mirror.

It happened, right? We really kissed?

For a moment you doubted that, but then you remembered that you woke up next to Jimin, so it had to be true. Suddenly a feeling of joy came over your body and you were squealing and jumping around quietly out of happiness and excitement.

But then another thought crossed your mind: The shattered glass was still on the kitchen floor. And right then you could hear voices from the living room. Slightly confused by the loudness you joined the others.

"What's going on?" Yoongi walked over to you, his eyes barely open.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, I'll kill them with my bare hands for waking me up this early." His harsh words and his cold eyes made you gulp and you never wanted to see Yoongi like this ever again.

Self-reminder: Never ever wake up Min Yoongi, unless you want to die a painful death.

You took a step away from Yoongi when the kitchen door opened and revealed Namjoon, who held a bloody towel in his hands.

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