Dance With Me

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Summary: This is a scene from My Version of Game of Thrones Season 8 thrown into the main season canon. Takes place after 8x03 during the feast.

Everyone ate quietly and solemnly in the great hall. They had won but it didn't feel as if they had. Very few remained of Daenerys' khalasar, her she still had half of her Unsullied which wouldn't be nearly enough, Rhaegal was battered and unable to fly straight, and the North and Vale had suffered severe losses as well.

Tyrion who would normally be drinking himself to death was simply sitting by his brother, one hand on his cheek as he traced circles with his finger on the table. Sansa was sharing polite conversation with her sister but there was absolutely nothing joyful about it. And Jon, Jon was nowhere to be seen. His seat in the middle of the table was unoccupied and Daenerys couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety and what was to happen to them now that they knew the truth.

He was already so distant the day before and that alone was pure torture, she couldn't bear that for the rest of her life. She hadn't even been able to hold him close and truly process that he was alive and he was here, not one of the bodies that had been lain on the many pyres they burned that day. He had always been pulled away to help injured men or do some other warden duty before she could talk to him.

While people were now engaged in quiet conversation they still seemed too depressed for her liking and she wished to lighten the mood a little.

She rose to her feet and everyone took notice and quieted down. "I wish to propose a toast to Arya Stark," she started. Everyone around seemed slightly surprised, especially Sansa. "All of Westeros owes their lives to her, slayer of the Night King and the hero of Winterfell." She finished as she raised her cup and everyone rose to their feet to cheer for the young Stark as Arya looked to Daenerys with admiration.

The older of the two sisters rose to her feet, motioning for everyone to quiet down so she could offer her own speech and Daenerys feared for what words would come from that mouth, to her surprise it wasn't negative. "A toast to Queen Daenerys, we all owe our lives to her as well. We would not be here if not for her dragons and armies," she said.

"And her," Arya coughed.

Everyone, even the Vale and the Northerners cheered. It wasn't as loud as they cheered for Arya but it wasn't fake. They showed gratitude to her and Daenerys finally began feeling welcome in this strange land. There was a loud smash beside her as she turned surprised, seeing the wildling she learned was Tormund rising to his feet with ale dripping from his ragged beard.

"We're alive! Let's fucking celebrate!" he screamed. Conversation started to pick up now and everyone started to drink more. She would have spoken to Missandei but she was unfortunately absent from the dinner, most likely with Grey Worm. She would have spoken with Tyrion but she chose to leave him to his fun. There was really only one she really wanted to talk to but he wasn't here.

There was still far too much they needed to talk about but right now she just wanted to be with Jon. Just celebrate their being alive. She looked to her right, to his empty seat. They should be laughing and drinking. She should be peppering his face with kisses and telling him how happy she is that he's alive, or rather showing him. And yet he wasn't here and all she could think of is what he told her in the crypts. Perhaps he was choosing to avoid her once again instead of facing her and confronting their problems together.

Instead he was probably in his chambers, drinking alone and hearing the cheers from there. Suddenly music began playing and various couples flocked to the middle of the floor to dance. We should be there too. I should be dancing with him right now.

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