The call.

841 14 7

Ellie texts -
Can we ft now I really want to know what's happening

Your text ~
Sure! Don't freak out though

"Billie are you ready to talk about whats happened, don't cry it will be fine."
You and bil hug.

"Remember to stop me if you don't want me to say something I won't mind."
*calls and faces the camera at the floor *

Your voice——-

Ellie's voice~~~

Billies voice ****

Hi Ellie
Oh my gosh where have you been?

Okay so well billie pulled me back and she umm she told me she loved me
Like love love??

Yeah I know.

Billie came out bisexual to me and we kissed
We also had umm you know.

I know I'm as shocked as you are

She has only told a show of 1000 peopl because he had to, i gave her a hickey on the top of her neck so she couldn't hide it and she didn't want it to be everywhere as a roomer so she just told them and told them not to tell anyone until she feels comfortable with tell the world so you promise not to tell anyone.
Jesus.. I promise
Billie is right next to me right now
Oh my gosh hiii
No fangirling she my gf


"Are you ok baby."
"You wanna talk to her."
Billie is gonna speak to you now.
hi umm I so sorry for taking your sister in the middle of a meet and greet.
Don't be sorry
I love her she is amazing!
should we go
I don't mind

Bye, call tomorrow

"R u okay, Like seriously?"

You turn around and see her writing on her wall
"I have always wanted to read the wall."
"Go ahead."
"Are you sure there is probably personal stuff on there."
"There is but I trust you and love you."
Billie pulls in for another passionate kiss.

"Your so beautiful billie."
*Reads the wall*
"Billie seriously this is really sad deep stuff don't think like that. There are so many people who love you out there and would do anything for— r u okay"
"Oh my god sorry I just got lots of tics for some reason ."
"Sorry I forgot you don't have to try hold them in I don't mind."
"How do you do shows with tics so often."
"I hold them back as much as possible."

"I love you so much."
"I love you more than that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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Billie Eilish meet and greet (includes smut.)Where stories live. Discover now