Chapter 2

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*Liam’s POV*

There he was, lying motionless on the bed, not a single movement, only the slight rise and fall of his chest, which comforted me a bit to know that he was alive. We all were trapped by the cold, sterile, white walls of his hospital room as silent sobs and the ongoing beat of Niall’s heart monitor filled the room, reminding us that he is doing okay. I could hear my own heart beating in my head, thumping against my temple with worry, as I held back the tears threatening to come out again. All eyes were on Niall, waiting. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting for him to wake up or show us somehow that he is okay. It’s the worst feeling watching your best mate just lay there and you know deep down inside that you can do nothing but wait.

All the boys, and all our families were here to support Niall and his family, Maura was absolutely devastated when she got the call about the accident, and watching her now sobbing just about broke my heart. Everyone came out to see Niall, the fans, everyone’s family even his girlfriend, Marisa. She had a chair pulled up to his bedside, holding his hand in hers as her wavy brown hair flowed over her face while she looked down to the bed, probably crying and hoping that Niall will be okay. We all were. Don’t get me wrong I had nothing against Marisa, she was a great, sweet girl, and no doubt loved Niall with all her heart, and I loved her to pieces, she was perfect for him, but something inside me, something I couldn’t put my finger on, ticked me off about her.

*Marisa’s POV*

What’s going to happen to Niall? Is he okay? When is he going to wake up?Countless thought after thought about the future ran through my mind. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I couldn’t bear the thought of a future without Niall by my side. He was the perfect boyfriend, and I couldn’t help but think that we would be getting married one day, with kids running around the house. My brown eyes filled with more tears at the thought of this never coming true, to Niall never waking up again and our life and his life gone.

Footsteps were clacking as someone crossed the room, becoming louder and louder as they came closer, making me lift my head up and look to who it was.

“Hello, its nice to meet you all, I’m Dr. Romero, what wonderful and support full friends and family Niall has. Would you excuse me while I talk to his family for a moment?” motioning towards Maura, Bobby and Greg.

“No no, we are all family, I’m sure we all want to hear the news.” Maura chimed in, making everyone stop in their tracks from leaving out the door.

“Okay, well, Niall hit is head pretty hard when he feel off the stage. As soon as the paramedics arrived, he was slipping in and out of consciousness. And by the time he was on his way to the hospital, he blacked out, and lost consciousness. We don’t know how long he will be in a coma, or if he will even wake up or not. And if he does he would have significant brain damage.”

Everyone’s heart dropped the moment those words left the doctor’s mouth, as silence filled the room once again.  My breath rushed out of me, my heart raced faster and faster as more tears slipped down my cheeks. I can’t even imagine my life worth anything without Niall.

                                          ~A Month Later~

*Liam’s POV*

No progress. Is what the nurses always tell me each time I walk through those now familiar doors of the hospital. Going down the familiar hallway and turning into his room, like this was my own house. It’s been nearly a month now, just watching Niall lie there motionless. It feels like there’s a void in my heart, without the bubbly, carefree blonde boy by my side, I felt empty. Like a part of me was missing. And it was. He was.

The band has done just about nothing for the past month. We weren’t One Direction without Niall. The only time we did a gig or an interview or two was when management made us, saying that we still needed to get the word out about us, and show everyone that Niall is okay, and we were staying strong. But it took everything we had to put on that fake smile and act like our hearts weren’t hurting as much as we let on. On the stage was different. No one wanted to take Niall’s solos, no one wanted it to be like we were replacing him, because we would never. Having four bodies on stage had a whole new feel to it, not being able to look next to me to see Niall’s smile and that red polo as he sang with all he had was really tough. But we managed, because somehow I knew Niall would never have wanted us to just sit and around and mope for him, to put our lives on hold for him.

*Harry’s POV*

No doubt that everyone was worried, scared and hurting. No doubt that we all had no clue of the future. Every day, the minute visiting hours started we all went over to see Niall, no matter what we were doing or where we were, we always made time to see him. To talk to him and even sing. Hoping that one day he will wake up. But Liam was taking it the worst. He wasn’t himself lately, the moment we weren’t on camera or alone, he was different. Where that glint in his eyes were and that squint he got when he laughed were both replaced with emptiness and bags. Liam got almost no sleep; the only time he was not sitting by Niall’s bedside was when we forced him to come home with us. He was lost without Niall. We all were.

*Liam’s POV*

I sat by Niall’s bedside, keeping him company as always. The boys stepped out for a minute to go bring back lunch from the food court for all of us. I once again got my phone out and opened Twitter, about to tweet about Niall’s status. When suddenly I felt a slight movement next to me. The twitch of a hand, and the stirring of someone. My heart began to race with excitement as a huge grin formed on my face with hope. I jumped to my feet out of my chair, my eyes glued to him. I watched his fingers curl up into his palm, followed by the slight tilt of his head. And I was rewarded with the most gorgeous flash of blue.

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