Chapter 3

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*Liam’s POV*

The moment I saw that flash of blue, the familiarity of those eyes, my stomach dropped and my heart began banging through my chest. Everything told my legs to move, to go get help, but I couldn’t move them. No matter what I did, what I tried, I couldn’t will myself to get up and run towards that door. So I tried to call for the nurses, but as I tried to yell I could feel the words getting caught in my throat, unable to choke it out. I was absolutely stunned. So many emotions ran through me, I had no idea what to do.

I just stood there speechless as Niall’s head tilted to one side ruffling his now long hair. I admired how dark his hair had gotten over the months he was in a coma, how the roots were now his original brunette color, but he still had the famous blonde bleached tips. He looked paler than usual, his face and body thinner. He almost didn’t look like Niall anymore. He changed so much over a few months, not because he wanted to, but because he was in a coma the whole time.

I suddenly hear a quiet groan escape Niall’s lips, followed by those familiar blue eyes again, now fully opened.

“NURSE!” I yell, leaning back, never leaving contact with Niall.

His eyes suddenly flickered toward me, meeting my brown ones.  I felt a rush of emotion. It was Niall. He was finally awake.  I couldn’t help it, but my eyes began to water as a huge grin spread across my face.

“Niall…” I breathed, stepping closer to the bed.

“Liam…” he smiled, moving his ivy attached hand up to touch my cheek. I smiled into his touch, making my eyes water more, as tears finally started to pour out of them with joy. I hadn’t realized we were just sitting there, staring into each other’s eyes, until I heard someone clear their throat. The nurse.

“Oh, Mr. Horan you are finally awake,“ she cheered before turning to me and asking, “would you mind stepping out while I do a check up on him?”

“Yes, of course, I’m going to go call his family,” I say getting up to leave, before taking one last glance at Niall, who was watching me, smiling.

*Marisa’s POV*

“He’s awake.” That was all Liam had to say to make my hand go numb, causing me to drop my phone. All the emotions came running back. I was overjoyed because Niall was finally back. My boyfriend was back. After countless months without him, without his cute Irish accent, his adorable laugh, the way he would bury his head in between my shoulder and neck in one of his warm hugs, or that look in his eyes as he would push a strand of hair behind my ear and lean in for a passionate kiss. But most of all, I missed our talks. The countless joking around, the advice, and how we could talk to each other about anything for hours on end.  I just missed him.

I raced to the hospital, practically running through the halls to get to his room. My heart stopped the moment I saw him sitting up in his bed, awake. My feet took me  toward him, and as I crashed into him, throwing my arms around his neck, the tears started falling from my eyes.

“Niall,” I sobbed into his neck, pulling away to look into his deep blue orbs.

“Hi….” he said quietly, and somewhat, hesitantly?

“I missed you so much.”

“Who are you?” he asked. A lump formed in my throat, as my heart dropped, and my stomach twisted into knots.

“Niall quit playing. It’s me, Marisa, your girlfriend,” I said, trying to mask the hurt.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you. I don’t have a girlfriend.” Those words, made my world collapse around me and my heart break into pieces. I could do nothing but stare at Niall, dumbfounded, as the smile on my face faded and more tears fell from my face, just not from joy this time.

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