-Wrong Choice-

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Property of Russia

A few days have gone by since my first day at school. I think it was maybe a week or two. Everything goes quite well. I do well in most of my classes (which was surprising) and I have made some good friends like Canada, Japan, America, and South Korea. I also met South Korea's sister, North Korea. She's pretty cool, I think my dad talked about her before, but I can't remember. She doesn't know the types of sign I do, but I carry notebooks and such around with me, so I can just write stuff down for her. I also figured out some routes to take to avoid the small boy who keeps confronting me in the halls. I'm glad, I don't want any drama.

It was another morning of my sister waiting to give me and Ukraine our lunches at the door before heading out. We wake up at different times, so we didn't talk too much in the morning. Some days, if Belarus is feeling extra happy, we talk on the way to school. But usually, its's a comfortable silence and a few signs. I like both of those scenarios.

My dad began to wave us off when we went to school. He would smile at us warmly, and as I went out the door last he'd pat his large hat on my head and chuckle softly. I think it's his way of saying it suits me.

I didn't get too many comments about the hat when I went to school with it for the first time. It was just a few small compliments or comments on it. America was a bit more interested in it though. He really wanted to wear it, too. Yeah, no thanks. This hat is for the caretaker of the house only. He laughed when I told him that. He still unsuccessfully tried to convince me to let him wear it.

Actually, my hat was what made North Korea first approach me. She recognized me immediately with it. Well, she recognized it was my father's and I must be his son. We talked for a while after that, and I noticed her in Science class. She's usually my buddy when we get to choose, because Japan always paired up with South Korea. Their names are too long, so I think I'll just call South "Yuko" and North "Sevko".

School becomes routine and I fall in step with the swing of things quite quickly. My siblings told me it was going to be this easy, and it was, I just had a bad first day.

And now.

I guess we're not all fully caught up. Earlier, America asked if we could hang out. I thought that would be pretty fun, so I accepted. When I went home that day, I went to my father's office to tell him where I'd be.

"Ah, Россия." He said, "I wanted to ask you something."

I responded with a tilt of my head with a questioning look, signing "yes?".

He said something about how I met a girl named Северная Корея, да? That was Sevko, so I nodded. He explained how he knew her and she wanted to do something with me today. Go around town, hang around at one's home, it didn't really matter.

I hesitated. I already had plans, but I don't want to be rude and tell him that, so I responded that I'll think about it. That might raise more suspicion, but it's better than nothing.

So here I am, a text typed on my screen that read 'I'm sorry, I have plans today, we can hang out another time!', still not knowing who I should send it to. I like both of these friends, and wouldn't mind hanging out with either of them. But, I would also feel bad declining either of them. Why did this have to be so hard? It's literally just one afternoon.

Wait. I'm dumb, how did I not think of this when I started this panic seven minutes ago? I could just hang out with both of them. No one will be sad that I declined, and I get to spend time with both of my friends. How simple.

I delete the text and go to my father's office. I see him writing papers, as usual. He hums as I enter, a  'I know you are here, let me finish this' kind of hum. I quietly push the door behind me so it's cracked and wait for his scribbling to cease. When it does, he turns in his chair to face me.

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