-Just Might-

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Property of Russia

I was sent home with my family later on the day I woke up. I was physically fine, but they told me to take it easy for a few days for my mental state. I can't exactly remember the last time I had to have medicine for my thoughts, but I was sent home with some anyways. They didn't stop me from crying, though.

It's okay. I wasn't lying when I told everyone I was fine. I truly was, in fact, I felt perfect. But that didn't stop how my body reacted. My eyes welled up in the car ride home, and I as soon as I got into bed I cried without a reason. It just felt good, you know? I was taught since I was young that it was good to cry, especially when you need it, and I think I needed it right now.

As I cry, I let my thoughts wander. Maybe I can find a reason to cry. I couldn't, though, so I continued to let tears flow while keeping myself hydrated and just thinking.

It is often that I am alone with my thoughts, mostly due to the fact that I can't exactly verbalize them, but also because I have a pretty busy mind, anyways. And, even though my mind was buzzing, thoughts flying by at insane speed, most of my thoughts were about the same face.

The same striped face.

The same cute striped face.

Okay, I could totally go on, but I don't think anyone would want to hear that. What if a mind reader was around? Well, one, it would be rude for a mind reader to just read my thoughts when I'm crying, and two, it's rude anyways for the mind reader to know I'm crying and not try and comfort me. I silently laugh at the image I created in my mind, wiping my tears. This was unsuccessful, seeing as they kept pouring, but I got my phone and blinked enough to see the screen clearly. Apparently I got some texts. And by some, I mean a lot.



Rus, can I see you?

I mean, only if you want me to, of course.

But I kinda want to see how you're doing

y'know, caring for my friend and stuff.

but if you don't want to see me right now,
I totally understand.

Okay so I know this might sound creepy, but
do you live in the kinda dark wood house with
the white roof? Kinda near the corner?

fuck it I'm throwing rocks at your window


Wow I see how it is :(

Dude I don't have any more rocks to throw,
just look outside

yolo, I'm climbing on your roof

you can't get rid of me, Rus

Why are gutters hard to climb??

don't worry that thud was totally me
falling but I look cool so it's okay

Sometimes, I wonder how dumb America can get. I guess it can't be that bad, but really, climbing onto my roof? If he ends up being the one in the hospital, I'm going to laugh at him. He may be stupid, but it's at ,east a little bit endearing when I think about how he's doing this to see me.

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