Chapter 1

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I sat back against the large chair occupying the living room of my condo. The sun was shining bright across the beach that I could see so perfectly from my large glass window.

It had been five years since I've seen her.

Five years since she chose him over me.

I'd like to think that I moved on pretty well. After moving back to Busan for a couple of months, I missed the sun and beach, making an unexpected change and moved back to where my heart was left behind.

I couldn't tell you that I forgot about her. No, because I still remembered her soft skin, her lovely voice and those brown eyes that told me a new story every time I looked into them.

But I managed to move on after hearing that she married him.

Married the one guy who could've had any other girl at school, yet decided to ruin her and I, by confessing his feelings.

I would say I hated him for that. But who's to say where we'd be five years later?

I didn't know.

I brought the cool glass against my lips, sipping the ice cold water and swallowing it with delight. It was more than hot outside. I wanted to stay inside, in my nice air conditioned space.

"Hey babe," she pressed her lips against my bare shoulder and I couldn't help but smile. I looked up into grey eyes and kissed her.

"Hey," I laced my fingers with hers as she swung along the chair and plopped in my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck, "I thought you were going surfing today?"

Soojoo looked out the window and pressed her cheek against mine. "There's supposed to be a storm rolling in and I know how much you hate it when I'm out there splashing in the rain."

I smiled and handed her my cold water. "Well good then."

She kissed me once again before getting off my lap and held her hand out. "So I figured we could hit the mall for new board shorts and I would love to buy you a new bikini."

I rolled my eyes. "You buy me a new bikini every week Soojoo," I snickered as she shrugged, not denying it.

"What can I say Jisoo," she tugged me into the bedroom so I could put more than just my boy shorts and tank top on, "I love to watch you model."

It had been five years, today, that I last seen her.

Four years since I met Soojoo.

Three years since she's been married to him.

Two years since I last heard from any of her family members.

One year since Soojoo proposed to me.

As much I loved the woman and as much I tell myself I've moved on completely…

I've yet to give her an answer.


Kim Jisoo,

You have been invited to the wedding of Mr. Park Bogum & Ms. Bae Irene…

I raised my eyebrow at the homemade card that I had received in the mail and blinked before rereading it.

"What's that?" Soojoo sat down at the breakfast bar with a glass of juice in her hand. She occupied herself by digging through the rest of our mail.

"A wedding invitation," I placed it on the counter before grabbing a glass of cold lemonade. I noticed her eyes widen at the name and then she gave me a questioning look.

"Who's Bogum and Irene?" She furrowed her eyebrow at me and placed the card back on the table neatly.

"High school friend," I shrugged and kicked the fridge door closed. "She was a really great friend."

After Jennie and I broke up, Irene tried everything in her willpower to make sure our friendship stayed the same. I couldn't take my bitterness against Jennie and him out on her, so we remained friends.

It wasn't until I learned that Jennie married him, that we stopped chatting. It wasn't planned that way, it just happened. Only Christmas and birthday cards were exchanged.

After I met Soojoo, I knew I needed to move on from everything. I wanted a clean slate and she was there for me. I looked over at the woman sitting on the stool, reading the morning newspaper. She was beautiful. She treated me with respect and I truly did love her. She moved everything she owned from Busan, just to be with me here.

"So," I made my way towards her and sat up on the counter and she immediately moved her stool to sit between my legs, resting her arms on my thighs as she looked up at me, "did you want to go?"

"To a stranger's wedding?" Soojoo raised an eyebrow with an amused smile on her face.

"She's not technically a stranger," I smiled and patted her head, "she sends us Christmas cards every year."

"Give me some background on this chick," Soojoo moved closer and drew circles on the inside of my exposed legs, "is she an ex-girlfriend?"

I laughed. "Irene is straighter than straight. Jennie and I tried to set her up on a date with a girl once and it did not go over well."

I closed my eyes tightly as I mentioned her name out loud for the first time in a year or so. It just slipped out and I didn't even feel it coming on. Soojoo realized it as well as she pulled back and stared up at me. "Jennie? The Jennie Kim?"

"Who else do I know by the name of," I licked my lips, "her."

"So she'd be at this wedding?" Grey eyes sought mine as she played with the edge of my thigh-high robe.

I frowned and swallowed. I guess she would be at the wedding. With him. Damn him.

"Yea, I guess she would be, being sisters and all." I sighed and moved to get off the counter but was pulled down into Soojoo's lap with her lips gently pressed against mine. "What was that for?"

"I love you, Jisoo," She smiled softly, "and I know that Irene was a good friend so you should go for her. No one else. She wouldn't have sent you an invite if she didn't want you there," she played with the collar of my robe and bit her lip, "if it was our wedding, I'd want you to invite anyone you want."

I bit my tongue and threw her an apologetic glance. "I know you're waiting for an answe-"

"Stop." She covered my mouth with her hand and shook her head. "I'm not looking for one until you're ready to really give me one. Just because I asked you a year ago and I've yet to receive an answer, doesn't mean I love you any less," her eyes landed on the wedding invite, "besides, I want you to have complete closure with Jennie."

"I do." I argued softly.

"No babe, you don't." Soojoo nuzzled my neck before tapping my leg for me to stand up. "But I get it and I want you to go so you can be there for Irene, your friend. And if you happen to see Jennie, close it. You deserve to be happy, especially if she is."

I nodded slowly and bit my lip, picking up the invitation. Tapping my fingers on top of the smooth surface of the counter, I grabbed a pen and shakily wrote down '2 guests' and sealed it up in an envelope.

Soojoo smiled at me and pressed a soft kiss onto my shoulder. "We'll drop this off in the mailbox on our way to dinner."

I took a deep breath and wondered briefly if I was doing the right thing.

Irene was my friend after all.

And I was with Soojoo. Happily so.

So why was I feeling more than nervous once we slipped that envelope into the mailbox?

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