Chapter 2

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I remembered the day Irene told me that Jennie and Kai were getting married. I was sitting outside a fancy café with her, having a quick get together because she had some important news to tell me. I figured it was about her and whatever she was doing in school. I wasn't expecting the news that Jennie was engaged to him.

She had told me that at first the only reason why they were engaged in the first place was because Kai had suspicions that she was pregnant. It kind of made him feel like a man or something. But since Jennie accepted with no knowledge of that fact, they decided to make it part of their life anyway. I was asked to go to the wedding and I looked at Irene like she was a mad woman.

I would not go and witness the love of my life walk down the aisle with him.

It wasn't going to happen.

And it didn't.

I left the café in tears because I always tried to hold onto hope that she'd be mine again someday. I never let her go completely, even after I heard they finally tied the knot.

It wasn't until I met Soojoo and spent time with her that I realized I didn't need Jennie to smile again. I didn't need her jokes to make me laugh. And I didn't need her touch to make me feel beautiful.

Soojoo had been wonderful to me – with me. She was patient while I went through my heartache. She held me when I'd cry and she promised she'd always be there for me. I even broke up with her for a while and she left, without a fight because she knew me. She knew that giving me my space would help me open up again. And I did. I wanted Soojoo back in my life. I didn't want that happiness to fade again. So she came back to me, no questions, no explanations, she came back to me and I never thought of letting her go since.

Three weeks passed and we were in Seoul for Irene's wedding. Soojoo knew I was a nervous wreck but she understood.

"Wow," she breathed as walked into our hotel room for that weekend, "Jisoo, this is awesome."

I studied the old paintings on the cream coloured walls and smiled. I knew Soojoo loved her art and even though I had no idea this room held such things, I was grateful because I loved to see her smile. "I can't believe Irene moved to Seoul," I bounced on the bed and looked out towards the busy city.

"You've always wanted to come here though, right?" Soojoo asked me, placing her hands on my shoulders as she straddled my lap. "Well now you're here."

I smiled and kissed her. I pushed her back slightly and slapped my forehead, kissing her again as she scowled a bit. "Sorry, it's just I forgot to call Irene and let her know we landed safely."

"Well, call her and then let's go sight seeing!" Soojoo smiled and went to the bathroom, shutting the door.

I flipped through my numbers on my cell and hit Irene's name. It rang a couple of times before someone picked up. "'lo?" A husky voice answered.

"Hi," I held my breath, "Is Irene there?"

"Oh yea, uh," the husky voice said on the other end of the line, "actually she just stepped out for a few minutes, something about grabbing extra ingredients for tonight's dinner," I heard her sigh almost tiredly, "may I ask who's calling?"

"I'll just call back, thank you." I was about to hang up when I heard that laugh.

That laugh that made me weak in the knees.

That laugh that was accompanied by a gorgeous smile.

"No need to be shy, I promise she'll get the message."She said softly. Sincerely.

Oh God my heart was in my throat.

Or in my brain because my ears were pounding so hard from the blood that rushed through them.

"I uh," I cleared my throat. "I'll just uh, call back." I hung up.

Soojoo came out of the bathroom and looked at me funny. "Babe, are you feeling alright? You look a little pale."

I swallowed and shook my head.

I felt sick to my stomach.

I felt…

I felt like I was walking into a disaster that could leave me with no one.

"I just want to lie down a bit. I think that flight with the layover made me a little tired." I smiled sweetly and she nodded with her own sweet smile.

"Okay Jisoo," she whispered and crawled onto the bed with me, scooping me up in her arms, "we can rest for a little bit."

I closed my eyes, feeling safe in the arms that held me. Feeling warm and loved.

Soojoo did that to me.

Yet all I could see was her.

All I could see was Jennie Kim.

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