Chapter 22

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"Rise and shine!" Irene jumped on my bed and I groaned, frowning as she plopped down next to me. "Soojoo gave me her key to come check on you, are you okay?"

"Peachy." I mumbled and sat up, knowing I look like a mess. "What time is it?"

"Just after seven," Irene grinned and got up off the bed, dragging me with her, "you're going to teach us how to surf!"

"Us?" I raised an eyebrow and found Jennie sitting in my living room quietly on the couch. "Hey," I blushed. I wasn't exactly dressed. I was standing in my living room in my underwear and a cut off tank top.

"Morning." Jennie smiled and stood up, gesturing over towards the coffee pot. "I thought you could use a little caffeine."

"Thanks." I smiled and pointed towards my bedroom. "I'm just going to grab more clothes to put on."

I quickly threw on a pair of shorts and my bikini top on, knowing that the day was going to be another hot day. I pulled my hair back and checked myself in the mirror.

"You look good, Jisoo." Jennie smiled from the doorway and I jumped. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay." I blushed and waved my hand, turning to face her fully. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Never better." Jennie smiled and stayed outside the bedroom, looking around. Art work was hung up on every space available. Pictures of Soojoo and I filtered through the bedroom we had shared for the past three years. "You have a really nice place."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Kind of reminds me of my apartment back in Seoul." She looked around one last time and then her eyes fell on me as I slowly approached her. "Minus the hot raven in my bedroom."

I shook my head but grinned, blushing yet again. "There are things about you that haven't changed."

"Nah," she followed me into the living room, "that'll never change."

"What will never change?" Irene looked at us from the veranda.

"My undying hotness apparently." I rolled my eyes and Irene raised an eyebrow.

"Yea, I'm with Jennie on that one." She grinned and went back out onto the veranda, looking at the surfers. I came up beside her and immediately spotted Soojoo.

Her blue board shorts gave her away. I had bought them for her because she had every colour of shorts but blue and what was a rainbow without blue?

"Maybe we can go some other time." Irene frowned as Soojoo sat on the beach, her board in the sand beside her. "I'm going to go see her," she turned to look at me, "I'll catch up with you two later, kay?"

I missed Soojoo. I actually missed hearing her get up in the morning getting reading for her daily surf time or early morning jog. She'd always wake me up and I'd be right there beside her. If I didn't go, she'd come in afterwards and make me breakfast or we'd share longer mornings in bed.

No, my relationship with Soojoo was not bad. My heart belonged to another but my attention was focused on her. I thought about her all the time. Maybe not enough, but she was still there. I laughed at her jokes, I'd shiver at her touches and I'd melt whenever she'd tell me I was beautiful.

I glanced at the woman standing beside me. She… she made me feel it all. Ten fold. Jennie would touch me and I'd be in another world for hours, she'd tell me a joke and I'd be laughing about it days later, when she'd tell me I was beautiful I was mush and couldn't form a sentence without stuttering.

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