Chapter 32

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I knocked on the hotel room door and fidgeted with my belt. It was early.

Five-thirty in the morning, early.

And I was knocking on Irene's hotel room door. I hoped that Jennie wasn't in there with Jisoo cause that would've been weird. Seeing as Jisoo never did come home the night before.

The door opened and there stood Irene with a coffee cup in her hand, blinking sleepily. "Soojoo, hey." She whispered and opened the door to allow me in. I noticed Jennie's bed was still made so she wasn't there either. "I'm usually up at this point but you know," she blushed and averted her eyes.

I nodded and smiled softly. "I thought you'd be sleeping."

"God no," she laughed through a yawn, "how a girl can sleep after a make-out session like that last night?"

It was my turn to blush and sat down on the edge of  Jennie's neatly made bed. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "If I in any way made you feel uncomfortable-"

"Hey," she jumped on the bed, knocking me backwards, "it was me who kissed you," she smiled, her fingers tracing my face again. "God I could do it again."

And she did.

For a while.

Much like the night before.

I was the one that pulled back and slipped my body from beneath hers, standing up to straighten out my clothes. Irene swallowed and I kissed her again, letting her know I wasn't upset.

I couldn't let things get too far.

They were already getting out of control.

She was married!

"I just need to stop," I whispered, "not because I want too, but because I need too."

Irene glanced up at me and nodded, understanding. She paced the room and before stopping dead in front of me. "I'm going to tell him everything," she whispered, "Bogum's going to know about this and then," she grabbed my hand, "then I'm coming back to you."

I think my heart did a jump for joy dance but my mind was reeling. I couldn't be the cause of a divorce.


"No." Irene frowned, "I know you, you're going to think I'm doing this for you but I'm not. I'm doing this for me. And it's not fair to him." She pushed me back on the bed and sat beside me. "Besides, wasn't it you who told me to take risks? As much as he makes me feel safe," she whispered, "you make me feel safer because I know I'm in love with you."

I closed my eyes and fell backwards on the bed. "I came here to ask you to grab a cup of coffee with me," I whispered, "instead you gave me the best thing I could ever ask for."

Irene moved to press her body against my side. "What's that?"




The ride to the airport wasn't all that silent. I drove with Jennie while Soojoo drove the truck with Irene joining her.

"So, what do you think about those two?" I asked Jennie.

"I think after finding them curled up in Irene's hotel bed together pretty much says it all." Jennie smiled and squeezed my hand. "I didn't think my big sister had it in her."

"Jennie, she didn't sleep with Soojoo. They met up early for coffee and went back to talk, falling asleep instead." I said in an amused voice.

"Whatever, the point is they wanted to sleep together," she smirked and glanced at me briefly, "she really is perfect you know. I wouldn't have been surprised if she stole your heart from my grasp and you two were hitched at the moment."

"She is perfect," I nodded, "but something tells me that after hanging out with Irene any longer than she did, she'd realize that I just wasn't the one."

"Am I your one?" Jennie asked, her voice faltering a bit.

"More than ever." I promised and leaned over the console of her rented Porsche to kiss her cheek.

We arrived and I pouted. I didn't want to see her off but knew she should just let go of all Seoul before coming back to me. I was just worried about her music career but she convinced me that she could easily start playing at clubs in the city and if it was meant to be, it was meant to be.

She wouldn't risk losing me again.

Not over another person or music.

After Jennie returned the rented vehicle and paid her fees, she held my hand as we followed Soojoo and Irene into the huge building.

Their flight wasn't delayed as I was hoping.

No, it was right on time.

I watched as Soojoo leaned into the other brunette, her lips close to Irene's ear. A smile erupted from her lips as they shared a chaste kiss.

"God I hope they work out." I whispered and Jennie nodded, holding her arms around my waist from behind.

"I knew Irene would make a good lesbian," she whispered and I laughed a little. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too." I turned around in her arms and kissed her.

We kissed.

And kissed.

Until Irene and Soojoo cleared their throats. "Jen, we're boarding."

Jennie groaned and placed her forehead against mine. "I'll call as soon as I land."


"Promise." She nuzzled my nose with hers before kissing me one more time. "I love you baby."

"I love you," I squeezed her hand, trying not to cry. "Be safe kay?"

Soojoo and Jennie hugged while I hugged Irene.

"You'll do the right thing." I whispered in her ear.

Irene glanced at Soojoo with a loving look and smiled. "I know I will." She hugged me again. "Thank you, Jisoo."

The goodbyes were out of the way and I felt Soojoo's hand slip through mine as we watched the sisters disappear down the terminal.

We stayed like that until the plane took off and made our way back to our truck.

"So this is what it feels like?" Soojoo finally whispered as she turned the vehicle on.

"What?" I glanced at her.

"Having love returned," she smiled and patted my hand, "it's beautiful."

"It is, isn't it?" I smiled and she nodded, pulling out of the busy lot. "Wanna go surfing?"

Soojoo nodded.

It helped us both to release emotions.

It helped a lot.

But what helped more is that we were still Soojoo and Jisoo.

Only the best friend without the benefits.

And it made us a perfect fit.


2 chapters left

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