Chapter 8

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Her heart was the purest of them all. I've never met someone who gave so much to so many people and ask for nothing in return - especially at such a young age.

An age where you should be thinking of yourself, simply because you're trying to find where you fit in society; in your clique or your school.

I was the one always thinking of myself. Never caring if I hurt others just as long as my own feelings were safe from harmful words.

Maybe that's why she scared me so much. She would give and give and never ask for anything in return. She would give me space even when I never asked for it. She would allow me to spend the night at Kai's because she knew we were the best of friends.

I never cheated on Jisoo if that's what you're thinking. My nights with Kai during high school were spent talking and listening to music or reading in silence. We almost kissed once but I knew I couldn't just sweep Jisoo out of my mind like that.

Like I said, her heart was the purest of them all and she'd never hurt anyone.

Including me.

So when I decided to save myself with the safety of his arms, I really made a mistake.

I had left for Europe at the worst timing in Jisoo's life. She had just lost her brother, Jin, after the drive-by shooting and even though she told me to go and enjoy the time with my mom, I should've stayed. I should've been there for her.

Instead I listened to her but I never returned her phone calls. I was so confused and lost and young and clearly very stupid. By the time I had returned, things just felt different. Kai met me at the airport when my plane landed and I guess you could say that was the day I made my decision, so to speak.

Jisoo found out I was home three days after I had returned.


"Let me guess, you forgot to call me." Jisoo's voice sounded behind me as she stood in the large kitchen of my house. I spun around with a wooden spoon in my hand, staring at her. I hadn't seen her in three months and she was breathtaking as always. Only she was thinner, her hair was layered and she wore tighter clothing.

"Hey," I put down the spoon and turned the element down on the stove, "uh, how are you?"

"How am I?" Jisoo asked with anger in her voice. "Irene just got back from Baltimore today and she called me to let me know she was home safely. She continued to tell me that you were home a few days ago and asked if I talked to you..." She slumped her shoulders a bit and I closed my eyes tightly.

"Look Chu, I-"

"Jisoo." She corrected.

I swallowed and chewed on my bottom lip. Her eyes were broken. So broken and unreadable. I offered her a drink but she declined.

"Well?" Jisoo broke the silence and stepped closer. "And please don't feed me any bullshit, I don't think my heart can take any more of your lies." She pleaded.

"I," I inhaled, "I was over at Kai's."

"Figures." Jisoo choked out and stood there, playing with her fingers. "Figures you'd run to him. Figures he'd be the first to know the exact time you returned. You never called me once while you were in Europe, God Jennie, do you even know the hell I went through this past summer? We went back to Busan to bury Jin and the one person I needed most, wasn't even there when I needed her."


"YES! That's my fucking name! Do you have anything else you want to say besides my name because I'm really getting sick of hearing it spill from your poisoned lips." Jisoo cried and hugged herself.

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