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    Mark 15:34-35 TS2009  And at the ninth hour יהושע cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Ěli, Ěli, lamah sheḇaqtani?”a which is translated, “My El, My El, why have You forsaken Me?” Psa_22:1. Footnote: aIn Hebrew - “Eli, Eli lamah aza?tani” - as per Psa_22:1.  35.  And some of those standing by, when they heard it, said, “See, He is calling for Eliyahu!”

It appears here that Messiah died as a man, being forsaken by the Father.

If Elohim can die, then Who exactly will raise Elohim from the dead? And if Elohim can die, then with a death a birth also seems iminent. For how can Elohim Who creates heaven and earth be created, or die? If such is the case, that Elohim can die, then it would seem reasonable to stop serving Him or to trust in a kingdom that resides on mortal promises.

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