The Moving World

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You hold your breath

For he had held your heart in his hands

You grasp your palms tightly together until they hurt

The way he once grasped who you were 

Like no other

Not who you are

But who you were

You bite your lip

Where he was once an ornament 

Where he became

Naught but an accessory


You hold back tears from your eyes

In the eyes of the beholder

He was your star shining bright

He had often called your eyes his stars

As he had often called you his sun

You loved him, he loved you

You thought he was the one

His enchantress

For you had enchanted him as if with a magic spell

He had brought happiness

Into your living Hell

Your heart aches

For you miss him

But things change

And people move on and people die

And that you can’t change 

Like the moving world

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