A big part of being an ulzzang is the clothes you choose to wear. I've already given you inspiration on what to wear but the question now... where do I buy this from? You can purchase them from online and physical stores, I'm going to tell you wear I buy some of my ulzzang clothes (online and physical)
📀 Online stores:
☁️ Milkteas.co
☁️ Kooding
☁️ Yesstyle
☁️ Etude House
☁️ Frankie Phoenix
☁️ Love Street
✨✨✨💿 Physical stores:
☁️ Bershka
☁️ H & M
☁️ Mango
☁️ Ovs
☁️ Tally Weijl (There is online as well, I use that)
✨✨✨Now that you know where to buy the clothes from, you're finally ready to become an ulzzang! You have your base so now it's time to decorate this finished piece. Next chapter I'm going to tell you some items that you can bring along with you on your day out to really show off how aesthetic you are! What other stores would you recommend for me to buy clothes from? I need more options, thanks for reading and voting and being generally awesome you guys rock!! I'll see you next time 💗💗
💞 A Guide to Ulzzang Beauty 💞
SaggisticaAish, look at those beautiful girls, if only I could look half as pretty as they do! But you can!! Welcome to my guide book on everything Asian beauty and ulzzang related!! Check me out so we can begin our adventure as a united group!! Learn about...