Part Nine - Part Two

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Part Nine - Part Two


We trudge onward for what seems like hours until we finally arrive at the oak house, its ancient facade sending chills down my spine.

I can't shake the feeling that it might be abandoned. There's no sign of life, just an owl perched eerily on the roof. I shiver, feeling uneasy.

Struggling with the lock on the gate, I watch as Scott scans the surroundings for something to break it open with. He surprises me by vaulting over the fence, grinning confidently.

"Scott," I say firmly, pointing to the 'no trespassing' sign, "it clearly says we shouldn't be here! Are you trying to get us into trouble?"

He rolls his eyes. "Relax, no one's around," he insists, gesturing towards the house. "It's isolated and looks abandoned."

I scratch my head, uncertain. I jump when he shouts, "anybody home?" into the silence.

When no response comes, he turns to me with a smirk. "See?" he says, holding out his hand. "Let's go."

Reluctantly, I climb over the fence with Scott's help and follow him to the front porch. Peering through the windows, I see only boarded-up windows.

Scott checks under the doormat for a key, finding nothing. I rub my arms nervously, scanning the area.

"Don't just stand there," he snaps impatiently. "Help me find a key or something sharp."

I roll my eyes and start searching. Scott eventually finds two sharp objects and begins working on the lock, his tongue poking out in concentration.

Looking around anxiously, the door creaks open. He stands triumphantly while I feel a pang of apprehension. "How do you know how to do that?" I ask skeptically. "You could break into a real house."

He shrugs casually. "I've gotten into locked places before," he admits. "It's not that hard. You learn to survive."

Not me—I couldn't pick a lock even if I tried.

Scott strides into the house, and I reluctantly follow. Inside, everything is in disarray, and a musty smell hangs in the air.

Scott moves further into the dimly lit interior, seemingly undeterred by the grim surroundings. He rummages through overturned furniture while I hover near the doorway, scanning for any signs of life—or worse, someone who might own this neglected property.

"Find anything interesting?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

Scott emerges from a nearby room with a dusty box in hand. He grins, seemingly excited by the find. "Check this out," he says, flipping open the lid to reveal a jumble of old photographs and yellowed papers.

I approach hesitantly, curiosity mingling with apprehension. As I peer over his shoulder, the images reveal glimpses of a life once lived here—a family, celebrations, moments frozen in time.

"It's like a time capsule," Scott remarks, his tone surprisingly nostalgic.

I nod slowly, my earlier unease giving way to a sense of melancholy. Despite the unsettling start, there's something poignant about uncovering these forgotten relics of the past.

Suddenly, a noise from upstairs startles us both. We freeze, exchanging a tense glance. Could we really be alone in this abandoned house?

Scott's confident demeanor falters slightly, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. "Maybe we should... check it out?" he suggests, though his voice betrays a hint of doubt.

I swallow nervously, torn between curiosity and fear. Deep down, I know exploring further could lead us into unforeseen danger.

But with Scott already moving towards the staircase, I find myself reluctantly following, drawn deeper into the mystery of the oak house.

We tread cautiously through the dim corridors, our footsteps echoing faintly against the aged floorboards. Dust hangs in the air, catching the faint rays of sunlight that filter through cracks in the boarded-up windows.

Every creak and groan of the house seems magnified, heightening our senses to the eerie stillness around us.

Scott leads the way, his curiosity driving him deeper into the labyrinthine rooms. I trail behind, my nerves on edge, half-expecting every shadow to conceal some forgotten specter of the past.

The distant sound of an engine catches our attention. We freeze, exchanging alarmed looks. It's faint but unmistakable—a car pulling up outside, followed by the metallic clink of a gate opening.

Panic sets in as we realize we're not alone. Someone else is here, and they're coming closer.

Scott grabs my arm, urgency in his eyes. "We need to go, now," he whispers urgently, his earlier bravado replaced by raw fear.

Heart pounding, we retreat back down the stairs, moving quickly but quietly through the murky corridors. Every shadow seems to hide a potential threat, and each creak of the old house sends a jolt of adrenaline through me.

As we reach the ground floor, the sound of voices drifts in from outside—the low murmur of conversation, indistinct but growing louder. We exchange a look of dread, knowing we're running out of time.

Scott leads us towards a door, his movements swift and purposeful. With trembling hands, he tries the latch, relief flooding his face when it swings open silently.

"Did you hear something inside?" one asks, his tone wary.

The other shakes his head. "Probably just the wind," he replies dismissively. "Let's check the house and get out of here."

The room is barely large enough to conceal us both. The only other door leads to a small, outdated bathroom with cracked tiles and a rusty sink. We squeeze inside, heartbeats thundering in our ears.

I press my back against the door, trying to slow my breathing as Scott positions himself behind me. The cramped space offers no room to maneuver; I can feel Scott's body heat against mine, his breath tickling my neck.

Outside, the car pulls up to the gate with a metallic clang. Shadows dance on the frosted glass of the bathroom window as voices murmur indistinctly.

"Did they see us?" I whisper, barely daring to move.

Scott shakes his head, his voice barely audible. "I don't think so. Stay quiet."

I nod, straining to make out any details through the dusty glass. Adrenaline courses through me, heightening every sensation—including the unexpected closeness of Scott's body pressed against mine, his private area uncomfortably close.



point out any mistakes that you notice, I would love to correct it!

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