Part Twenty-Three - Part Two

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Part Twenty-Three - Part Two


The familiar skyline of my childhood city emerges on the horizon, and I can't help but let a genuine smile spread across my face. The comfort of home is close, yet a knot of anxiety tightens in my chest. I flash a reassuring smile to Scott, but the unease bubbles just beneath the surface.

"It feels good to be home," Scott comments as we slip into a cab. "Not that I missed it that much."

I nod absently, my gaze fixed on the changing scenery. The suburban streets stretch out before us, but the sight of my empty driveway sends a pang of disappointment through me.

The cab pulls up to our house, and the familiar brick facade stands still and silent. I can almost hear the echoes of my childhood laughter, now replaced by a heavy silence. We step inside, and the scent of home—a mix of aged wood and floral cleaner—greets me, but it does little to soothe my rising anxiety.

I cross the threshold into the living room, my footsteps muffled by the carpet. The house looks untouched, frozen in time.

Pressing the buttons on the console in my hand, I'm laser-focused on the zombie attacking me on the screen. My tongue sticks out of the corner of my mouth as I immerse myself in the game. Scott decides to take a shower, leaving me alone in my room.

The bathroom door swings open, but I barely glance up. Scott sighs dramatically and steps in front of the television, blocking my view.

"Can you please move?" I grumble, craning my neck to see around him while frantically pressing the buttons. "I can't see! I'm going to lose!"

He pouts, clutching his chest as if wounded. "That's sad to hear," he teases, stepping closer and swiping the console out of my hands.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Can you not be so obnoxious right now? You can clearly see I'm not in the mood for games."

Scott leans in, his lips brushing mine in a quick peck. "You didn't want to take a shower with me," he says, his green eyes glinting mischievously. "This is your punishment. And besides, you've been glued to that Xbox since we got here."

Rolling my eyes, I respond, "You need to move now. I'm on the last night of survival!"

"I don't care," Scott retorts, giving me another fleeting kiss. "When are you going to make time for me?"

Despite my efforts to stay irritated, I can't help but smile. I sigh and attempt to push him away, but his solid frame doesn't budge. "Scott, move," I warn, giving him a pointed glare. "And you've spent an entire week with me alone in a damn jungle."

He arches an eyebrow. "If you want me to move, then make me."

Before I can react, Scott catches my hands and gently tosses me back onto the mattress. He removes his tank top, and with a playful grin, lowers himself onto me.

I pretend to be annoyed, but his touch softens the pretense. He cradles my chin, making me look into those captivating green eyes. "You're so cute when you're mad," he murmurs.

"Don't talk to me," I grumble, rolling my eyes.

Scott just shifts his weight to rest fully on top of me. His head nestles against my chest as I run my fingers through his damp hair.

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