Part Thirteen - Part One

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Part Thirteen - Part One


The dense forest wraps around us, its oppressive silence only broken by the crunch of leaves underfoot. I glance at Scott, who's peering at the map with a furrowed brow.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I ask, trying to mask my growing anxiety.

Scott's eyes dart between the map and the thickening darkness. "It should be. The ridge should lead us to the river."

"That's great to hear," I reply dryly, eyeing the encroaching shadows. "I was hoping for a scenic detour."

Scott chuckles, but there's a nervous edge to it. "Relax, Zayn. It's just a forest. We can't get that lost."

As we push deeper into the woods, the path becomes increasingly rugged. I trail my fingers along the bark, hoping it might offer some reassurance.

"Didn't we start going downhill?" I ask, frustration creeping into my voice. "Why does it feel like we're climbing a mountain?"

Scott stops and examines the map, which seems to have more wrinkles than answers. "Maybe we missed a turn or two. It's hard to tell with this map."

"Perfect," I mutter. "Just what I needed—a little adventure."

He forces a grin as we set up camp in a small clearing. The evening sky deepens, the last rays of sunlight barely filtering through the canopy. The crackling fire casts flickering shadows on our faces.

"Can you believe this turned into a survival challenge?" Scott says, poking the fire absentmindedly.

"I'd hoped for a relaxing trip," I reply. "You know, marshmallows and stories, not... this."

Scott laughs softly. "Hey, at least we're not in a zombie movie."

"I'm not ruling it out just yet," I say, though a hint of a smile tugs at my lips. "This place gives off that kind of vibe."

We sit in uneasy silence, the crackle of the fire our only companion. The forest seems to close in, a heavy weight of anticipation hanging in the air.

"Do you think we'll find our way out?" I ask, my voice low.

Scott's gaze meets mine, serious. "We will. Just need to stay focused. It's not like we're in a horror flick."

"I'm starting to feel like we are," I reply. "This place is messing with my head."

Scott leans back against a tree, his eyes fixed on the fire. "Think of it as a story we'll tell later. Not all adventures are pleasant, but they're memorable."

I sigh, leaning against the opposite tree. "Yeah, if we make it out."

A sudden growl interrupts the silence, causing both of us to freeze. We exchange wide-eyed glances.

"Did you hear that?" I whisper, my heart pounding.

Scott's face pales slightly. "We need to be careful. Stay close."

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