Chapter Two

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Ren smiled, glad that they would be going back to Ji-Ho's  house. Ren disliked the attention that his alpha status drew, he hated the fawning from both girls and boys, it was annoying. These people didn't KNOW him, they were just drawn to his being alpha, it seemed so fake to him.

He knew his best friend was an omega, and didn't approve of how others treated him. As if being omega made Ji-Ho less-than was just wrong. This societal situation was the driving force behind Ren wanting to become a lawyer in the first place. Omegas needed a voice, a strong voice, so if that is the power his status gave him then he planned to use it.

In an effort to deflect attention while leaving school he wrapped his arm around Ji-Ho's shoulder which only ended up drawing further stares.

Ji-Ho didn't react to Ren wrapping his arm
around his shoulder, it had become so natural for them to be so close to each other. He smiled then lightly pat his hand "Thank you for holding my bag as well", he said as they made their way to Ji-Ho's house.

"Nobody's home" he informed the other even though he knew Ren already knew that no one was ever home right after school;  his parents worked late shifts and came home around 9:00pm.

"It will be nice to have some quiet", Ren said as they came closer to their destination. He always felt comfortable at Ji-Ho's  house. Even though his parents worked into the evening, when home,  they always seemed to like Ren and were happy he was so protective towards their son. Ji-Ho was a young omega, he had not yet experienced his first heat. Mr and Mrs Lee knew that Ren, as alpha, would never let any harm come to him.

"Do you think your mom has any good leftovers in the refrigerator?",  Ren asked laughing. He seemed to have a appetite lately that just wouldn't quit, he couldn't understand why it was stronger than usual.

Ji-Ho turned his head to look at Ren "Hmm...Probably", he giggled then smiled. He didn't know why but he felt so comfortable being with Ren, he felt like he could share anything. He wasn't even this close to his other family members, Ren was special.

He finally saw his house up ahead after, he felt relieved. Ji-Ho had his keys out as they approached the front door, slowly unlocking the door letting them both inside.

Ji-Ho closed the door and locked it before taking off his own shoes and replace them with some slippers. He then quickly took off his school uniform jacket, placing it on the couch.    "Don't forget to take off your shoes first!", he reminded the alpha.   "I know..." Ren rolled his eyes.   "Just because I forgot that one time when I was sick by the way... like forever ago"   

Ren quickly takes his shoes off stepping into the pair of slippers that were his. He went there often enough that Mrs Lee had bought a pair for him to have there.   "Plus we take them off at my house too!", Ren defended. He enjoyed teasing Ji-Ho, mostly because he liked how his cheeks always turned red so easily. He tried to tell Ren that is was an omega thing, but he enjoyed teasing back by pretending to not understand.

Ren walked right into the kitchen opening the refrigerator as if he lived there, staring but as usual, never really looking. Ren could look in a full refrigerator and still see nothing as if he expected the food to come forward and introduced its self.

Ji-Ho had followed Ren into the kitchen. "You are so blind", he said as he watched how Ren looked in the refrigerator.  "This is from yesterday", he said leaning in and pulling out a pizza box. "My parents picked it up on their way home last night", he explained as he opened the box revealing almost a whole pizza. They will be home late again tonight but they said they'll be home tomorrow night, so lucky me", he giggled

Ren's eyes widened as the pizza box was pulled from the refrigerator, as if it had just appeared out of nowhere. "Yes!" He cried enthusiastically and grabbed a slice right away not noticing that pieces were falling off onto the floor.  "Your parents are great, don't act as if they are a burden", he teased.

Ren could hear his phone buzzing, then remembered he left it in the school jacket pocket which he dumped at the door with the book bags.  Going over to retrieve his phone, he reads the text. It was from Sara, the girl that his mom wanted him to go on a date with. It read:

'Ren—My mom said you wanted to ask me on a date for tomorrow, and I just wanted to say, yes, I am available. Let me know what time—Sara'

Ren just stood there dumbfounded staring at his phone, his head hanging low, which let his hair cover his face.   "Ji-Ho... what am I going to do?"   Holding the phone out to the other male so he could read the text.

Ji-Ho had taken a slice of pizza for himself and was walking towards Ren as he noticed the other showing him a message on his phone.
He quickly read the message and a slight frown appeared   "Mmh.... you are screwed",
Ji-Ho said taking a bite of the pizza. He shook his head trying to think of a solution.
He let out a disappointed sigh when he couldn't think of anything  "I don't know... maybe ignore her? Or will that be rude?", he quipped. In all honesty he felt a bit jealous as he wondered what she wanted with his best friend Ren.

End of Chapter Two
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