Our goodbyes

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(-_- trying to update as soon as I can because the tiredness is kicking in, more of my sickness sooooooo let's just start with everybody's point of veiws)

First up:

Amias and Midnight-

As the family landed Amias and Midnight looked at the entrance to the school, "ah....it's been awhile since we've been here" Moon said "yeah....a lot of memories" Kinkaju said also seeing it again "well kids....this is our stop" "where going to miss you two" Moon said "mom where just going to be gone for a bit of years" Amias said "yeah! Its going to be a long time" Kinkaju said "it's going to be fast, besides you have someone else to have you company" Midnight said and looked at Lucy "but still....my baby's are all grown up, well..close" Moon said "we get it mom" Amias said "well.....all we want from you guys is to make us proud" Kinkaju said
They all hugged then Amis and Midnight waved good-bye and walked away from the three, "now we just have to wait for Lucy to grow up...." Moon said "that'll take time, don't worry" Kinkaju said as she wrapped her tail around Moon's.


As the three landed Firefly looked at the school being nervous "don't be nervous, you'll do great" Glory said to her "but what would happen if they make fun of me for being a hybird?" Firefly asked "they won't, if they do tell me because I have a plan" Deathbringer said "Daddddd" "okay okay, but still a suggestion" he said "sweetie nobody will make fun of you for being a hybird, they will think it's cool because two different kinds of dragons mixed to one" Glory said "you sure?" Firefly asked "I'm 100% sure" "well......okay....." Firefly took a deep breath, she hugged her parents one last time and walked slowly to the doors.

Frost and Ravi-

As the family landed Frost and Ravi was excited, Snow on the other hand wasn't "when I grow up I have to come here?" Snow asked "yeah why?" Qibli asked "I don't know if I would get along in this place......" she said "don't worry little sis you'll fit right in" Frost said "okay....." Snow muttered "what do you two feel about your first day at school?" Winter asked "well, excited!" Ravi said "and a little nervous" Frost added "don't stress yourselves too much, everybody here is nervous" Qibli said "well that's true" Ravi said "but who's going to play with me?" Snow asked "with Iri" Frost said "but he doesn't do anything yet!" she said pouting "don't worry he just needs a little more time then you two could play" Winter said "fine....." she muttered "well, we'll see you two in a few years....." Qibli said "it's just going to be three years don't worry" Ravi said "still, it's going to be hard letting go for three years" Winter said "you still got these two here" Frost said and patted snow "well, we know but....not four anymore" Qibli said "don't make me emotional! I hate that feeling!" Snow said, they all laughed. The two hugged their parents and then the two younger siblings "well....bye for now" Ravi said "make us proud" Winter said, Frost and Ravi nodded then waved 'bye' and walked inside the school "wait.....does that mean I'm the oldest now?!" Snow asked "from the looks of it for now" Qibli said "YES!" Snow cheered "but that's only for three years and then back to being little"  Winter said being a savage dad "Noooo!!" Snow cried "hehe common, let's go back home" Qibli said as Snow was dramatically crying (like playfully)

Evian, Ara, Saint-

As Evian, Ara and Saint landed with their parents Ara and Siant just went inside not bothering to say good-bye. Evian looked at the school not wanting to go "remember what I told you?" her father asked, she nodded "Evian behave and make some friends so you don't have to swim in the sea alone in your life, maybe you'll find somebody" her mother said, Evian Shook the thought of finding somebody "and control your Animus powers, we don't want to come back and get you from the wreckes you made" her father said, Evian nodded "but make me proud" her mother said and hugged her, Evian hugged back and flashed a 'bye' to her and then walked inside

I'm tooo lazy or tired to make the rest -_- soooooo we'll be doing the other chapter later

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