The Confession

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The morning of the twentieth began, and she went to locker #260, known to be Lucas' locker. She could not get it open even with the pass code that she had gotten from him through the excuse of wanting or needing to borrow a book at any time. She then sent him a text asking where he was. It was before school, about twelve or thirteen minutes before eight when she got a reply. He said that he was in the library. He had newspaper after his first class of the day, newspaper being his third period. Zana went down to the library. She walked up to the desk where Lucas was leaning against in a calm fashion before class began.

"Lucas?" she asked.

"Yes, Zana?" he said.

Zana got nervous and handed him the letter. "Please, just read it."

That was the last thing she said before heading out of the library and up the stairs toward her locker. She headed to get ready for all the classes later in the day up until lunch. Meanwhile, Lucas opened the letter and read it. He wondered: "What does she want to tell me and why at lunch? Does this have to do with her plan? Why not just tell me outright? Wait a second. Am I more involved in this plan than she means to tell me?" he lent against the front desk and thought about it. The last thought to cross his mind before he heard the bell ring; "It's time I make my move in the case I am involved the way I hope to be in this plan of hers." Lucas then headed off to class and noticed his mind to be constantly returning to the same concept. "Does she love me?"

For Zana, she had been wondering all the while during her classes prior to lunch if Lucas felt the same way. She desired him to so desperately. "Let this be a good thing in my life, please world." She begged to herself in a tone barely above a whisper. The day prior's stress had hit her hard and she, last night, had found herself in her bathroom by the sink. The stress of everything made the first thought cross. "Drown yourself in the sink." She wasn't dumb enough to even attempt such a dreadful thing and turned away. Bothered by this thought, she contacted Scarlett Windsor, her best friend. She'd known Scarlett since being in the sixth grade at her old school. Scarlett had been the only one to show Zana kindness and compassion and was the first to introduce her to friendship. She had contacted Scarlett about thoughts of death and Scarlett said that they were normal occasionally and that she, herself had experienced a few.

Zana heard the bell. "The last thing to do on a Wednesday before lunch; the gym meeting." She thought. She headed to the gym and stayed near Lucas but refused to talk to him. She didn't want to risk letting information slip, as it often did. She always would unintentionally lower her guard around the one she loved, and this was often the way he sensed when something was wrong. She would not be able to hide or contain her upset around him if something was really bugging her. Around everyone else though, she was able to conceal everything under a mask, but due to regret, she sometimes told certain people what was going on with her. A major reason came from the fear she had regarding her last depression; the point that she may break if she didn't be honest with others. The thing she feared most was if she ended up losing the battle and people around her blamed themselves for not noticing through her disguise, and Zana didn't want them to get hurt because of this. She was different than most, but it was not necessarily good for her in the least. She cared more for others than for herself.

The school meeting that day seemed to go so slowly. She knew that she was just nervous and unsure of how the one she cared so deeply for, Lucas Nichols, would react. Eventually the school meeting ended, and Zana headed toward her locker to get her lunch. She planned to eat lunch fast and meet in the library to talk with Lucas. She opened her locker, her hands almost shaking. She grabbed her lunch and instantly froze. "No way," she turned fast and in shock, slammed herself against the locker.

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