A Dream Not Occurring in Its Natural Realm

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          Zana went home and worked on some school work which she finished in an hour or two. The sun had set by that time, and darkness began to fill her room, so she turned on a light. She wanted to work with Lucas and have her life be fully peaceful. But for it to become so and stay that way, it was going to be a while she knew as she had to recover from what had all occurred. She decided to text Lucas.

          "I wish you were here with me, love. Miss you lots!" she was trying to be sweet with him so that she could calm any worry he had for her.

          He got back a few minutes later. "I cannot be with you tomorrow but the next day after I can. Want to then? Wednesday the tenth sound good, sweetheart?"

          "Yep. Um, who's place though?"

          "Be right back. I'll ask my parents if over here is okay."

          She waited for a few minutes while he asked. She went to quickly use the bathroom and returned. She saw that he hadn't gotten back to her and she texted: "I'm going to grab a bath. Let me know and I'll be back soon." she then went off to take it, making it shorter than usual as she wanted to see Lucas' response and not make him wait. Ten minutes later, she was out and once fifteen passed, she came back to check her phone. Since her hair was so long, it took a little while to braid. She discovered that she had gotten a text.

          "Hey, Zana. I'm back. That is fine with them. Just check with your parents and be safe, lovely."

          She replied: "I've returned, and I'll be careful. To be honest, I probably won't sleep tonight."

          Lucas got back immediately, only a few seconds after her response. "You still scared? Why not stay with your parents then?"

          "Didn't think of that. I perhaps shall. Really wish I could sleep with you though, but no one would ever let us rest together all night again even though we wouldn't do shit. We know our places."

          "Yeah, it's a shame we can't be together overnight. Though when we get older and if we get married, I may be up for stuff but not now. Hell no! We are both like fifteen."

          "Sweetheart, don't forget your age. You're not fifteen till the fifth of March." Zana was trying to be sweet.

          "Eh... close enough. It's less than two months away."

          "You're right. And I wonder, who am I mainly fighting for? You, I think."

          "Zana?" he asked her.

          "Yeah, love? What's up?"

          "Try to get some sleep and one more thing if I may teach you something."

          "If that's a question, go on ahead, Lucas." she answered a minute or two later.

          "There's a Hebrew phrase, 'yashur koakh.' And the meaning, 'I wish strength to you.' You are fighting for your own wellbeing, and I say to you, yashur koakh."

          "Oh, answering my question with your amazing language. So glad." she tried to come off happy and appreciative of his effort. "Well, have a nice night and make sure to stay safe, got it?"

          "Will do, love. You better stay safe too."

          "I will unless I have a panic attack in my sleep or something and die of suffocation."

          "Zana, please don't joke..."

          She could tell he was upset. "I'm sorry. I'll be okay. I may just suffer from nightmares."

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