A State of Enlightenment Rains Down

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"I know that I shouldn't lose you to suicide, love. That's not the concern. It's people like Malcolm. And I swear I'll protect you for the remainder of my life," he told her, gaining a slightly confident tone.

"I will protect you too. I plan to heal your pain and will always do that," Zana was being sweet as she laid her head on his lap.

"Now rest since you're tired. I want you to," he was gently guiding her to sleep, rubbing her face and playing with her hair a bit as she enjoyed that. He smiled softly when her breathing slowed, signaling that she had fallen asleep. He wanted her to relax for a bit. He wished to live for her and to help her get past the Malcolm and Hunter problem as well as the suicide attempts. He pulled her sleeves back to check for cuts and found nothing of the sort but rather, only old scars. He was glad that she had stopped. He knew then judging by only the left arm having scars that she only cut it and not the right. He pulled down her sleeves again and cuddled her up against him.

She slept for a short while until lunch ended. She then was woken up and went to her next class, half-asleep during the first section of it but soon woke up more fully from the stretches of Yoga. She began to get ready for the remainder of her classes, in this case just Biology. She had a nice class that day in her fifth period and relaxed herself. They studied much of chapter seven, photosynthesis, as it was coming up soon in a few weeks on finals.

Weeks passed, and the date turned to be the fourteenth of December. Lucas had not been at school the entire week as he had gotten sick. It had been the week of review before most of the finals, having Wednesday and Thursday be the long session review days. Zana had been applying for Honors Bio and during her free third period on Thursday, she reviewed with the Honors Biology class for extra review. On the Friday, the next day as it was now, was the first official final. Today was the Science final, the one she was most excited for. On Monday, she had done her Yoga final, just a test composed of poses and the posture. She went up to the door as it turned nine in the morning and people began to get called in. Her advisor, also the head of the science department called her over before she went in. She told Zana that she had gotten into Honors Biology, giving her an instant boost of energy. She went in and took her science final with the others.

She enjoyed that final and left the school that day around noon as it was an early dismissal, continuing for each final set from the following Tuesday through Thursday. The next week began and she enjoyed every one of her finals. Monday, she went to school for a review session and saw Lucas was there. He had been the only ninth grader to have a History final, but he was in a tenth grade History class, so it was not that shocking. Zana went to the math room and took a picture of Lucas and she as they were at the review session after his final, and enjoyed herself. The next day eventually came along and she had the English final. The order of the finals after that were Math, Honors Geometry for her, then Languages, in her case Spanish. Friday of that week was the finals makeup day but since she missed none, she didn't go that day. The two weeks following finals were Winter Break.

She planned some dates and hangouts, and the twenty sixth came around. That day Zana hung out with her boyfriend and they went to see a movie. It was an enjoyable experience and toward the conclusion of the movie, she cuddled up against his side gently. She ended up lightly falling adrift the calm, tranquil world of dream land. Even there she spent time with Lucas. Sitting in his lap surrounded and comforted by his warm arms, them wrapped around her waist, holding her gently. She reached and held his cheeks in her hands and kissed him softly.

He woke her up, hearing her whisper words in her sleep as the credits of the movie played. He saw how she seemed a little confused, but he explained to her that she'd just been asleep. He knew she began to understand as she took his hand and got up. He barely saw her get up before she snuck in a soft kiss on his cheek. He could not help but smile with her being her sweet, now happy-go-lucky self. He figured that she was moving on from everything bad that had happened and he wished deeply to help her get past it all as his primary goal. She needed to move on and forget, to learn to be joyous and experience life's best moments. He would do anything to bring her that sort of joy. It was late in the afternoon, around five, and beginning to get dark. He brought her home on his bike and sat with her on the guest bed.

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