Chapter 13 - Jade's mom

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"You know babe, maybe I should go home and change. I want to wear something nice to meet your mom..."

Tori was saying after school while Jade was driving them to her house. Tori had texted her own mother saying she would have went to Jade's house after school but now she was regretting that decision, thinking that she should have changed from her school's clothes first.

"You look fine Tori... I was wearing my usual clothes too when I met your parents, remember?"

"Yeah, difference is you always look perfect, baby. I on the other hand... wouldn't mind changing into a better outfit to impress your mom" Tori said

"Oh yeah? I thought you were dating me, not my mother, so stop being ridiculous" Jade said to her

"Oh shut up you know what I mean... I want to be sure I look good to meet my girlfriend's mother" Tori replied

"You always look good Tori, so stop..." Jade told her

"But I really want to make a good impression on your mom!" Tori said

"Oh please it's not a big deal!" Jade exclaimed

"But it is, baby...!" 

Jade groaned 

"I said stop it Tori! You're making me even more anxious. And quit calling me 'baby', now's not the time!" Jade yelled at her girlfriend while driving. Noticing Tori's following silence she quickly glanced at her and saw the Latina looking down with an hurt expression. The vision broke Jade's heart and she immediately regretted her outburst.

"Ok... I'm sorry, Jade, I didn't mean to make you ups..." Tori started apologizing with a low voice but Jade interjected 

"You have nothing to apologize for Tori, I am sorry. I'm just nervous. Didn't mean to yell at you" Jade left the wheel with one hand to grab one of Tori's hands, squeezing it gently. "I'm your baby, you know that Tor. And you know that I love when you call me that... Even if I would die before admitting it to anyone else but you" she told her.

Tori smiled widely at that "I know Jade... But you don't have to be nervous. I'm here for you", she replied while caressing the back of the Goth's hand to calm her. Jade seemed to relax a little.

"Sorry about before, if you want to go home and change I can take you. I mean, I really think you look beautiful like this. But if you really want to ch..." Jade was saying but Tori cut her off with a kiss on the cheek

"If my gorgeous girlfriend says I look beautiful then I don't need to change" Tori replied. Jade turned to look at her and the two girls exchanged a smirk. 

When they arrived at her house, Tori saw for the first time another car in Jade's driveway and knew that it was her mother's. Her hands started to sweat as she was also feeling a bit anxious, but Tori took a deep breath and quickly regained control of herself. She needed to be calm and collected to support Jade right now, cause she knew that it wasn't easy for her. Also there was no way of telling how her mother would have reacted to the news since she barely spoke to Jade, and according to her, during the last few years they had been more like distant roommates than mother and daughter. There was a chance that she would have been against them, which was what Jade was afraid of but maybe she simply wouldn't have cared about it. Jade had told Tori, that that was the best they could've hope for. But that was not what Tori wanted. That's why she wanted to make a good impression on Jade's mom. She wanted her girlfriend's mother to actually care for her daughter and her life's choices, because she knew that Jade cared for her parents and their opinions, even if she was always saying otherwise. The fact that Jade was so afraid of their parents' reaction to her dating a girl was a proof of that. Not to mention that time she tried to impress her father with her play, the previous year. Jade definetely cared for her parents' approval, and Tori knew that.

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