Special Chapter 27 - Teenage girlfriends

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Some fluff and smut that happen during Tori and Jade last years at Hollywood Arts when they were still teenage girlfriends. These events are not in sequence and some happen during the story some shortly after the final chapter (16). 

"Alright guys hope you liked our make up tutorial, cause my girlfriend Jade here clearly enjoyed doing my make up today!" Tori was saying while they were recording a video for their blog 'Ask Jori' in front of her camera while sitting on Jade's  bed in the Goth's room

"And you loved letting me do it babe!" Jade told her kissing her on the cheek

"Oh that's for sure!" Tori replied happy

"Ok time for some Q&A! Let's read a question from one of you guys' comments..." Tori was scrolling for comments on her laptop when Jade interjected saying

"I hope we find some haters. Cause I have one thing to say to them:" Jade said showing both her middle fingers to the camera

Tori laughed "No haters, but let's see... ok this one... 'You both dated guys and girls so how do you identify yourself?'". Tori blushed a bit while Jade interjected sarcastic "Well I can almost certainly say that I identify myself as a badass girl named Jadeyn Egan West even though I hate my full name". 

Tori chuckled "Babe, I think they're asking about our sexuality. And your full name is beautiful just like you!" she said pecking her with a kiss on the lips. Jade smiled "If you say so" she said before looking at the camera saying "So, our sexuality huh? Well I'm straight" she said smirking always sarcastic.

"Oh really? Cause I have my doubts about that" Tori said giggling.

"Yeah I mean I always go straight to bed with you after a date, and definetely not to sleep!" she said.

Tori laughed "Yeah. Seriously guys we don't like labels, we're just two girls in love. But right now I think I can officially come out as a lesbian" she said wrapping an arm around Jade's shoulders. She was smiling at her "At start I thought I was bi cause I had only dated boys before this beautiful Goth girl..." Tori said kissing Jade's cheek before continuing "But I never really had a serious relationship with any of the guys I dated, and now I feel like if Jade and I would broke up, I would definetely date a girl over a guy!" Tori said

"Oh so you're planning of leaving me?" Jade asked her with a 'I dare you' kind of expression

Tori smirked "Yep I just needed you to help me find my true sexuality"

Jade was grinning knowing that her girlfriend was just teasing her but still told her "Screw you then!"  

Tori laughed wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing Jade before looking at the camera "By the way, I was joking obviously... I mean not for the lesbian part, that one is true, but I would never leave this gorgeous woman for anyone else, cause I can't live without her. That would be like living without my heart which is impossible. And she has my heart. I don't know if she stole it or if it always belonged to her from the moment I saw her. All I know is that my heart is hers" Tori said. Jade looked at her smiling and immediately locked lips with Tori again. They kissed for a few seconds before they just stared at each other. Jade was smiling in a funny way which made Tori chuckle and turn to the camera.

"Do you guys want to know why my girl has such a goofy expression on her face right now? She is dying to tell me that I also have her heart, but she is too embarassed to show how sweet she really is to other people!" Tori said giggling and looking back at Jade who rolled her eyes 

"I'm not sweet and I'm certainly not embarassed of anyone!" Jade said but her cheeks turned pink

"Yes you are. Admit it!" Tori told her smiling

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