Special Chapter 33 - A Christmas Jori

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*Set back when Tori and Jade were still in high school and had been together from a few months*

Come on, come on

Jade threw a tiny rock at Tori's window.

Then another and another, but her girlfriend wouldn't open up. 

Seems like sleeping beauty doesn't want to wake the fuck up- Jade thought Last time I go Christmas shopping at the mall with Cat! She's corrupting my fucking mind!

Jade was getting impatient, she had been throwing flat rocks for the past twenty minutes and Tori wouldn't open up. She was about to not give a damn and instead break the window with her boot.

That is if she wasn't in her slippers or pyjamas for that matter.

"This is the last time I come here with so little on." Jade muttered, then realised what she said "Now that was just plain stupid, ugh Vega you're going to be the death of me."

The Goth wasn't about to wait another twenty minutes, so there was only one thing to do.

She warily looked up, oh how she hated this tree, but it was a necessary evil just so she could secretly see her dorky girlfriend.

Ugh, it's one thing to climb this shit for a booty call every other night- Jade thought But doing it without a reward by the end of it? It's hardly worth the effort.

Thankfully for her, Tori opened her window in the nick of time.

The Half-Latina sleepily rubbed her eyes, with an annoyed expression, ready to chew out whoever interrupted her rest but once she noticed who was in her backyard, Tori was alert as ever.


"About damn time Vega!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh I was in the neighbourhood and thought going all Shakespeare on you" Jade replied sarcastically "You know, starting the day acting like Romeo and Juliet is a nice way to keep the romance alive."

"At seven A.M.?" Tori shot back "Normal people are sleeping at this hour, Jade."

"Three things Vega!" Jade hissed with the aforementioned fingers up "One, I was being sarcastic!"


"Yeah, oh!" The pale teen shouted, her fingers still up "Two, I'm not normal by any stretch of the imagination, and three I've been throwing rocks at your fucking window to wake you up for almost half an hour and only now you decide to come out and play! Well guess what?! I'm freezing my boobs out here! So open your damn front door because I'm sure as hell not climbing this big ass tree!"

"Those are all very good points Jade." Tori giggles "But you know, next time you should wear something other than your skeleton pyjamas, I don't think those are very warm."

"Thanks for the advice." Jade sneered "Now are you going to let me in or what?!"

"Why didn't you use my house's keys that I gave you?" Tori asked her

Jade blushed lightly "I was already here when I realized I forgot them, okay? I didn't know it would have been so hard to get your attention" 

"You could have just called me baby!" Tori continued

"You have your phone off, genius!" Jade exclaimed 

"Oh right... I forgot to charge it last night. But you have Trina's number too!" Tori told her

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