Courage the Cowardly Student - Kaidou Shun

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What You Need to Know:

-You are strong and have a short temper. (Like Aren)

-You just moved and are new to PK Academy.

-This is your first day at PK Academy.

-Nendo is your childhood friend.

Y/n's POV:

I jumped out of my cozy bed sheets at the sound of my alarm clock. I checked my phone and saw I was going to be late if I didn't leave in 20 minutes. I shrieked and hastily snatched my school uniform and ran to the bathroom to get ready. When finished brushing my teeth, I shoved toast in my mouth and ran out the front door; cursing myself about being late to my new school.

Skip All the Exercise You Went Through

I was about to round a block when someone appeared and bumped into me; knocking me down on my butt. "Hey, shrimpy, watch where you're going! I'm walking here!" I looked up to see Kumi Kouji- aka the guy who got beat up by Aren- with his buddies. I looked down and apologized.

But, as soon as he was walking away, I grumbled. "Shit face." I went to continue walking to school when someone (more than likely Kumi) grabbed my collar and threw me onto the brick wall that separated a house from the street. "What was that?!" I grunted and said, "What was what?" He had a mad look in his eye. "You mumbled something under your breath, I know it!" I let out a low growl of annoyance and said, "I'm sorry but-" "H-Hey! L-Leave her a-alone, y-y-you cowards!" A tiny voice squeaked out from behind Kumi.

Kumi turned around and I peeked behind him. I was surprised to see a small boy with blue, ruffled hair; red bandages around his hands; and a torn-up PK Academy outfit. He looked scared but continued. "Y-You sh-shouldn't p-pick on g-girls l-like that! H-How would y-you e-even get a-a-a girlfriend i-if you p-pick o-on t-them?!"

Kumi laughed. "You think you're any better, pipsqueak? You're tinier than a mouse and you don't look like the fighting type." Kumi's gang laughed and Kumi held his hand up; signaling for them all to stop. They did and Kumi continued. "But you could get a few girls if you have 'battle scars'." "W-W-W-What?!" The small boy stuttered and backed up. Kumi chuckled and said, "Get him."

His gang members started to advance on the blue-haired boy, and I felt a protective feeling overwhelm me. Kumi stared at me and said, "As for you, you're going to regret what you said." He started to walk towards me.

I ran at him and kicked him where the sun didn't shine. He processed what I did and screamed out in pain. I then grabbed his head and raised my knee. I slammed his head onto my knee and that seemed to knock him out. I huffed and glanced at his gang members and saw them starting to beat up the smol bean.

I growled and sprinted at the gang. One of them saw me and tried to warn the other, but a kick to the face knocked him to the ground. The other gang member saw their fellow friend on the ground and said, "Hey-!" "Shut up," I stated as I backhanded his nose. He fell limp to the ground and his nose started to get bloody.

I stared at the boy and tried to get a close look at the damage done. Until I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from the small boy. I yelped and kicked. "Woah, hey there pal, calm down! I just wanted a hug!" I stopped kicking and looked up. "Nendo?! I haven't seen you in ages!" Nendo chuckled and placed me down. "It's good to see you too, Y/n!" I hugged him and remembered the knocked-out boy.

I stopped hugging my old friend and said, "Nendo, the boy over there is severely hurt and needs to be taken to the hospital. Could you please take him there?" I asked and added quickly; "I don't want to be late to class." Nendo nodded and agreed to take 'Kaidou' to the hospital.

Skip A Few Minutes Later

I huffed as I reached the school gates. I went through and passed the teacher watching over the others entering. I heard my phone's ringtone go off halfway to the building. I checked my phone and saw Nendo's text.

Nendo- Hey Y/n! Kaidou is in the hospital and is starting to wake up.

Y/n- That's good to hear. How is he?

Nendo- He says everything hurts, but he'll be okay if the Dark Reunion doesn't find out he's here. Also, the pretty nurse lady said he'll be out after school ends.

Y/n- That's... good to know. Anything else?

Nendo- I told Kaidou that you were the one who rescued him and gave him all the details of what Kumi and his gang looked like afterword.

Y/n- What did he say?

Nendo- He was wowed and wants to get to know his 'savior' more.

Y/n- 'Get to know'?

Nendo- Yeah, little guy wants to meet up today when school's over.

Y/n- Okay? Where do you two want to meet?

Nendo- Kaidou says at Café Mami.

Y/n- Sounds good. See you later.

I put my phone back into my backpack and continued walking to the school.

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