The Ungodly Machine

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Eva: "Joey, what did you just get us into?"

LeLe Confessional: "As much as I want to be mad at Joey, I have to be mad at myself. I just killed Matt."

Joey: "Um, I would NOT invite you guys if I knew this was going to happen."

Oli: "I think its Joey who's doing this."

GloZell: "I agree. Its Joey. Don't be looking at me all cute and fine, you a killer!"

Joey: "She is being so mean look-" GloZell would interrupt him.

GloZell: "Bippity Boop Bap Boop" She would swerve her head.

Timothy: "Then what are we going to do to get out of here?"

Timothy Confessional: "I've been in a few sticky situations as a mobster, but this is just on a whole new level."

Justine: "We need to figure this out before we run out of time."

Arthur would have been holding onto a slip of paper. He would then lead everyone into a lounge. They would all be siting and awaiting him to speak.

Arthur: "If you wish to leave you must do what the note says. For it is the only way to leave this house. The first artifact belongs to the ungodly machine that of which will result in a death. Come forth, write a name of a guest whom you want to go into the challenge. And I shall shuffle and draw two."

Everyone would agree out of desperation.

Shane Confessional: "Of course I had to choose Joey. He was lying and is obviously hiding something. I can tell."

GloZell Confessional: "I did decide on Joey only because he the YouTube killer" She would shake her head.

Oli Confessional: "I voted Joey because he is being way too suspicious."

Timothy Confessional: "I voted Oli because I'm jealous of his outfit."

LeLe Confessional: "I decided on Timothy. He is not helping and he is just slowing us down."

Eva Confessional: "I decided on Joey only because he was very unhelpful and suspicious."

Justine Confessional: "I picked Oli only because he isn't bringing much to the table."

Sierra Confessional: "I am voting Andrea, she isn't really helping."

Andrea Confessional: "I am going to vote Shane just because it was really suspicious of him just to disappear like that at dinner."

Joey Confessional: "Of course, of course, of course, I am picking GloZell. All she ever was is mean to me."

Arthur would shuffle. They would take out a slip of paper.

Arthur: "The Big Game Hunter"

Lots of shock would be in the room. Arthur would take out another piece of paper.

Arthur: "The Savant"

Joey: "Wait what? Who put me in there?"

The room would be quiet and people would try not to look at Joey in the eye.

Arthur: "They shall select partners to defend their lives. Hurry."

Joey: "I pick Eva."

Eva Confessional: "I know I voted for him, but if hes willing to put his trust in me I don't want to fail him."

Oli: "I guess I pick Timothy."

Timothy Confessional: "This dude just picked the dude who voted him. I'm looking at Eva and shes looking at me and I think we are in the same situation."

Arthur: "Those participating please come with me."

Those participating were then lead down to the room belonging to the ungodly machine. Joey and Oli would enter the machine. Eva and Timothy would be handed instructions on how to complete the challenge.

Joey: "Timothy. Are you really going to protect him?"

Eva: "Joey I think I got this but its all so confusing."

Timothy would be in a trance like state. He didn't want to kill his friends, so him having to choose to defend one over the other was a lose situation in every way. Before he knew it Eva would of already unlocked her tube.

A gas would fill the tube belonging to Oli. There would be a mass of gas coating over it. Joey and Eva would exit the tube. They would hug. Eva would nervously laugh. Timothy would still be in shock.

Joey: "Timothy, I know you saved me over him. So I thank you for that. I will defend you if they go after you."

Timothy: "Sure man. Let's just get on out of here" He would say sadly:

They would return back to the lounge.

Sierra: "Wait wheres...."

Justine Confessional: "It hits that Oli is dead. Joey truly is a killer."

Shane Confessional: "I see Joey come back. Me and GloZell both know that he needs to go. If we leave him alive, how many more of us will have to die?"

Andrea Confessional: "I'm just glad I wasn't in the challenge."

The first artifact would have been collected. Everyone would remain in a moment of grief for Oli. They would soon realize that much more grief was to come.

End of Episode 2



The Big Game Hunter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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