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"I can't believe I'm doing this" George muttered to himself as he let the girl inside.

"I only ask a few weeks off of you. I'll leave soon and you can get on to your depressing dull life" Mariana told him and George frowned at her outspoken comment. He didn't have the energy to retort back and he wasn't in a state to process anything quicker than a snail.

"I'll pay the rent of course, I'll be out a lot probably just looking around, I won't ask you about anything but I can read your mind so, I won't need to. I won't be a bother, I won't interfere in your life" She rambled and George wondered why she talked so much., " and the last two are complete lies but if I want you to let me stay in this house, I have to do this" He quirked a brow at the girl and shook his head.

She walked into the house and it was as much of a mess as George was. A pile of unopened letters, broken window, boxes that were filled but never sealed and shipped away, joke shop products on the floor and so much more.
He was completely lost and she had to fix him. How would she?

George asked her questions, not many but enough to drain the metal energy out of him. He hadn't wrapped his head around what was happening.
Lucky for George, 'Mariana' didn't seem to question him much. She just answered his questions and gave him his space. She didn't ask him about Fred and she didn't ask him why he was such a mess.

When Mariana first moved into the apartment, George shut himself into his room but the more he stayed inside, the more curios he became about what she was doing, who she was and it made him wonder if he made the right choice. But, he was just helping her out, right? It was just a room, it was just an apartment and she wasn't exactly bothering him.

Mariana spent a lot of her time looking through the boxes spread out in George's living room. She found photo albums, jumpers with large 'F's on them, some clothes and other belongings. There were some boxes full of parchments and ingredients for some sort of potions. She assumed they were for the joke shop.
Everything in that house was collecting dust and there was nothing George was going to do about it. Despite the mess he was, Mariana gave him a lot of space. She didn't know where to start or what to do. He wouldn't come out much and he wouldn't talk to her. He listened to her blabber through the door and sometimes almost grinned to himself at her silliness but he never responded.

It had been a little over two weeks and it was one such evening when Mariana was rambling on and on about her annoying 'siblings'. She had learned that George had siblings so she had to talk about something that he could relate to, respond to. George listened to her and his mind only flickered to his twin when suddenly he heard loud bangs and then a thud. George almost immediately swung the door open and saw her on the floor with a box beside her and mini cauldrons he had bought for the shop all over the floor.

Mariana looked up at the ceiling and shouted, "Merlin! Really!? Can you not!? I hate this world, if only I could curse!!" She then noticed George standing there and grinned at him sheepishly, "Hello!"

George knew she was stuck with the most weird person ever but he didn't mind much anymore. She kept him a little more alive.

After that particular day, George actually started coming out of his room. He didn't talk much, he didn't do much, sometimes had outbursts but it was all still progress.

Mariana honestly didn't know how to get him to speak, to open up to him. He was like a brick wall, she got no answers from the red-head.

"My mother had no faith in me," Mariana said one night. She didn't have a mother, she was talking about Inara, "She used to say that I wasn't fit for my job, that I didn't fit in the family" She told him and he looked up at her, "Apparently I caused too much trouble."

"Mum was against the joke shop too, for quite some time" George said quietly and a glimmer of hope lit her eyes up. Funny how all this time she was making things up to cheer him up, she didn't realize that they might actually have things in common.
That was the first time in months that George had opened up to someone, talked to someone, and it felt good. It was just a few words but he felt good.

It made George a little suspicious how even after two weeks, Mariana didn't ask him why he always stayed in his room, who's stuff was in the living room, why he never talked. The more she let him be, the more he wanted to tell her. It was almost a habit for him to answer how he was feeling to people. Every time someone came over, their first question was always, 'how are you feeling?'. So when Mariana didn't ask him about Fred, why his apartment was such a mess or why he was so sad, he felt weird.
She talked to him, she asked him questions but it was never anything personal or about the war.

Mariana didn't intend on using this reverse psychology but it was starting to work and he started to talk to her.

He started to feel the need to tell her about himself, if she was going to live there, George might as well talk to her right? But, why wasn't it like that with his family? Why did he feel the sudden need to open up to a stranger? Maybe because he didn't feel like a burden on her, he didn't feel bad for her because she didn't know Fred, he didn't have to face everyone that reminded him of Fred.

"I had a twin" He randomly told her one evening. Mariana didn't ever give him pity. She never said 'I'm sorry for your loss' or 'how do you feel about it?' and George was grateful for that. He didn't need any more condolences. He didn't need any more people feeling bad for him. He just needed someone to hear him, and even though his family was always there, no one could possibly be neutral about it.

George felt vulnerable around her, like she possessed some strange magic. But that feeling only came for a few seconds, the sarcastic answers from "Mariana" threw those thoughts off.

It was something about her sarcastic comments that made her so much like Fred. A part of George hurt thinking about how he was basically replacing his brother but another part of him told him that he needed this.

Mariana tried her hardest but George's state wasn't improving much. Yes, he came out of his room, he talked to her, he opened up to her and all of that was progress, but that didn't make him any less depressed than he was before, it didn't make him any less alone.

She didn't feel pain. Not the pain humans felt.
She couldn't empathize with George, she couldn't help him much. Especially since she had only just met him.

Mariana (or Lacuna) tried her best. She was sarcastic and amusing to him but she reminded him more and more of Fred.

George had nightmares, he talked in his sleep of the war, of his brother. He cried for help, he called out for Fred. Every night was something worse than the previous one. He saw his brother's corpse before him every time he closed his eyes.
She didn't know what to do. The truth was, maybe Lacuna (Mariana) didn't know anything. She was never as nice as the other gaurdians, she was never as skilled at them. Maybe it was best she left. Inara was right, she couldn't do one job right. She always told Lacuna that she wasn't fit to be a guardian. But then, why was she sent there? Why was she assigned George?

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