~ Epilogue ~

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 All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be,
Is somebody to you

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

"What you did was very irresponsible! He could've died! You almost died-if Fred hadn't sacrificed himself-" Inara scolded Lacuna.

"I-I wasn't thinking straight" She managed to say.
"You weren't thinking at all!" Inara's heart was still thumping in her chest and everything seemed worse as she processed it, "What happened out there Lacuna?"

"I-I fell for him! I don't know how or why! He makes me feel things I don't want to but I can't control it. I don't quite understand it but it's not very good and yet it makes me feel happy. It's weird and makes my stomach queasy and my wings flutter and I really don't get it" Lacuna told Inara as tears formed in her eyes. She was confused and frustrated. 

Inara looked at the angel before her and sighed as her eyes softened, "You love him. It's not something you can choose or control, it just happens, but you can't, Gaurdian Angels can't fall in love with their human"

"Why not?"

"Because we are different- their magic and our magic can collide and cause issues. And Death plays games with Angels like you and then you lose your wings."

Inara wasn't sure how to explain it to Lacuna. She was naive and she didn't understand the complexity of being a human. Too much was already at risk with the girl since she knew about her past, she soaked up all the negative energy from George and she fell for Death's trap. There was nothing Inara could do to make her feel better about this whole situation. 

Lacuna didn't know what it was about George Weasley that she missed. His laugh, his sarcastic answers, his crazy ideas, his warm hugs, talking to him about everything and nothing at once or just sitting in silence but still listening to each other. She felt at home with George and she didn't think that anything would change it. He made her laugh, he made her feel accepted and normal. 

"Inara, Let me talk to Lacuna alone please" Merlin walked in. Inara hesitantly left the place and Lacuna looked at Merlin with a distressed face, "Lacuna, I understand that you're in love with him, It was bound to happen, I saw it coming, but I still sent you to Earth. You were the perfect angel for this job, you made him happy. I have a proposal for you" Lacuna's expression turned to a confused one as she intently listened to the man before her, "I let you go back to Earth, I let you be a human but you will lose your wings, you won't be able to contact us ever again, no angel powers, you'll become a human, a witch"

Lacuna felt conflicted. On one hand she wanted to go to George, tell him she loved him but on the other hand she would lose all of this, all her powers. Was it worth it? "But he doesn't remember me"

"He will once he sees you again. He will remember everything that happened when he sees you. He may know too much but we can get him to keep it a secret" 

"What if her doesn't love me back?"

"That was never an issue, you and I both know that"

Everything inside of Lacuna, Mariana, was shaking. She stood before that door and sighed. Her hand lifted to knock on it but it didn't move. Her foot was tapping on the floor constantly and she was feeling things she never understood before. Learning the human ways was different and difficult. She was experiencing feelings she didn't know existed. 

She took one deep breath and then knocked on the door. Mariana heard shuffling from behind the door and then the door swung open. George Weasley stood before her in his unruly red hair, disheveled freckled face and his untidy clothing, "Hello George"

He stood there completely still and Mariana couldn't read his mind this time which was rather scary. George could see the past few months flashing before him and everything was coming back to him, "Mariana-you-I" He couldn't get words out of his mouth, he just pulled her into a tight hug and she completely melted into him. 

"You shouldn't have done that! You- you gave yourself up for me! for Fred! I-" His voice cracked with each word. 
"I did it because I care for you. You needed Fred and-"
"I loved my brother but I have accepted his Death, but I couldn't afford to lose another person so precious to me! you shouldn't have done that" 

George and Mariana sat in his living room as she explained everything to him from head to toe. George took a few minutes to process it all but seemed to understand, "I've read about this in storybooks, I didn't think it was real"

"Nothing about the wizarding world is fiction" Mariana told him. 

"But I still don't understand why you went through all this trouble for me" Mariana looked at him nervously, "Because.." she paused, "You made me feel feelings I didn't know existed. Everytime I looked at you, my wings fluttered, my stomach flipped. Every time you hugged me I just wanted to melt right there. Every time you weren't there, I wanted to see you, even if you were only gone for a few hours. You made me, me. Because I love you, George Weasley. Even though it was against the rules, even though it was dangerous, I fell in love with you"
She stood up from where she was sitting and George subconsciously followed suit. 

George didn't know what to say as Mariana confessed her love for him. The truth was, he felt butterflies when he saw her, he felt electricity when their fingers brushed each others, he felt that rush. 

George took a few steps towards Mariana as she waited for him to say something. He didn't say anything though, his hands held her cheeks and all he did was close the gap between them. It felt like a relief, like she had just let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, like fireworks were bursting behind them. 

"I love you, too. I have for a while now, ever since Angelina broke up with me, maybe even before that. I-I just wish I had said something sooner, you wouldn't have to go through all of this" George told her, their foreheads still touching. 

"It was all worth the craziness" 

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

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