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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

"Enough drama," Lacuna rolled her eyes, "how are you here in human form?" She asked him he chuckled.
"I've come to meet an old friend, Iolthane!" He told her and Lacuna despised that name already.
"What do you want!?" She asked annoyed with his games and indirectness.
"My possession back" He shrugged.
"What possession?"
"The invisibility cloak" Lacuna raised a brow at him. She had heard of the cloak in many many stories but never knew how true or false it was. Inara refrained them from interacting too much with human things and Lacuna never really knew enough about it.
"I'll show you" Death told her, reading her expressions.

Suddenly everything started flushing back to her. She had possessed the invisibility cloak till she was 21 and she passed away. Her husband Charles potter, passed down the cloak to their son who was passed it to Henry potter. Henry passed it to Fleamont potter and Fleamont passed it to James. And now the cloak is with Harry Potter.

"I want the cloak back but I play fair." She was brought out of her deep thoughts.
Lacuna looked at him asking for an explanation. "I have an offer for you." Death now sat straighter in his chair with an evil smirk on his face, "You get me the cloak and as a reward I'll make Fred Weasley a ghost. Let him meet his brother. The poor boy will be happy again."

"What do you mean?" Lacuna asked. Did she hear him correctly or were her ears ringing?
"Oh you know, George Weasley, the person you're madly in love with." He scoffed, " I'll make your job easy, you bring me the invisibility cloak and I give you this offer"
"I'm not madly in love with him! He's my human, you know it's impossible"
"Let me correct you there sweetie, it's forbidden not impossible and you are obviously in love with him but you just don't know what love means yet"
"What's the catch, Death?"
"Nothing! Why do you think there is a catch!?" Death asked. She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her, "There's always a catch with you"
He let out a maniac laugh but didn't reply to her statement, "think about it, honey" he said before disappearing into thin air.

While Lacuna was with Death, George was about to be dead at the wrath of Angelina. At least that what he thought. 

Walking into the tea shop, George scanned the room to find Angelina but he couldn't see her anywhere. He walked up to the counter to see Elizabeth, who had been working at the tea shop since the war was over, who greeted him with a smile.

"George Weasley..." she was rather surprised to see him out of his apartment, up and about.
"Hey Elizabeth" George smiled slightly.
"What are you doing here?" she asked with a grin etched on her lips, "I haven't seen you around since forever."
"Well, I- I don't know, some things have changed," He scratched the back of his neck. Things hadn't changed, it was the people around him who had changed things, and by people, George meant Mariana. "I'm here to meet Angelina"
"That's wonderful, why don't you pick any table you want and I'll be with you in a few minutes" Elizabeth suggested and George nodded. 

The redhead took a seat on one of the corner tables and it wasn't long after when Angelina arrived.She walked over to him and hugged him. They both sat down at one of the tables and ordered their teas.

"How are things at the shop going?" Angelina asked him.
"Better than I expected, honestly" George replied.
"I'm so glad you opened back up again- it must've been hard" Her hand slipped over his from across the table for comfort.
"Well, Mariana helped me through it all, she's been there for me through everything"

"She's a great girl," Angelina said genuinely, "you two seem to be getting along great" George nodded and Angelina let out an audible sigh. She sat up straighter in her chair and receded her hand away from George's, "You do know that you're in love with her,right?" she asked and George chuckled nervously, "since when?"
"Since pretty much always, since the day you met her. That is why, I'm breaking up with you"

George had nothing to say. His jaw was on the floor. He tried to protest but it got him thinking.
Do I? No! She's just a friend! But, I did feel something last night. I don't know what to say.

"We will still be friends, but I have moved on from you and you have moved on from me and this is the best for all of us" Angelina said but George remained frozen for a few minutes.
"Are you going to say anything?" She asked nervously. Angelina was worried about George but she couldn't keep doing this. She saw right through him, the way he talked about her, the way he looked at her.

"But-I love you!" George finally protested.
"I know you more than you know yourself, George Weasley.", Angelina stood up, "I will see you around." She gave him one last look before flicking her wand and disapparating from the tea shop.

George sat there dumbstruck for quite some time, unsure of what to do. He thought about what Angelina had said, she did know him very well, she had known him for over half his life, but he wasn't in love with Mariana, was he? She was nice and she helped him through so much but he had been with Angelina for so long.

Both Mariana and George reached the shop at the same time and seemed to be rather tense around each other.
"Hey.." she said in a low voice looking down at her feet.
"Umm..hi" George was unsure what to say.
"I had the weirdest day" Mariana tried to avoid the tension in the room but it was clearly overpowering. "I think I'm going to go to my room" She said.
George nervously chuckled as his hand went to the back of his neck,"I'm going to go back to work"
"Oh wait-how was your date?"
George wasn't sure how to tell her or even if he should tell her. There was a small pause between the two before he sighed, "we broke up"
"It's okay though, I'm good.."
"You didn't love her anyways" Mariana blurted. And George completely froze. Mariana could read minds and he knew that very well. It scared him to think that she read his, "You were both vulnerable after the war- Never mind- forget I said anything" she turned on her heels and quickly went up the stairs.

Mariana sat in her room thinking what she was going to do.
Get me the invisibility cloak
How was she going to convince Harry to give it to her? Maybe she could tell him the truth that she was actually his grandfathers great grandmother but she was 21! How would she explain it to him? She couldn't tell anyone anything. She could steal it. She wouldn't be stealing though, just taking back what she owned a few hundred years ago.

What if she refused to do that? George would never meet Fred again and she couldn't trust death's actions if she said no. She was stuck and couldn't ask for help because Inara would never trust her again.

But would she do this for someone and become a fallen Angel? Her job was to protect and fix George, anything for him right?

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

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