Homecoming Help

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P.O.V. : Tom

     "Good morning," I greet y/n as I get into her car.

     "Morning sunshine," she smiles up at me. "So what are you in the mood for this morning? Dunkin'? Starbucks?"

     "I don't really have a preference, you pick," I reply while stifling a yawn.

     "No, no, no. You know that I'm indecisive, you have to pick and make it fast before I get one the main road," y/n retaliates as she pulls out of the hotel parking lot.

     "Alright, then, Dunkin'. It's cheaper and I know that there is no way you're going to let me pay," I answer while chuckling. Y/n gasps sarcastically and looks over at me, pretending to be offended.

     "You don't know that," she scoffs. "Who knows, maybe I would have let you payed this time. I am running low on cash."

     "Yeah, right. Like you were gonna let me pay. And how are you running low on cash, I literally pay you gas money every week."

     "Yes, and because you pay gas money, there is no need for you to pay for our breakfast. And I'm running low because there is some little stuff that the school won't cover for homecoming, so I pay for it out of pocket. Speaking of homecoming, we could use an extra pair of hands after school with making the decorations since it is only a month away, if you aren't busy." Y/n mentions.

     "Yeah, I don't mind. It's not like I have anything to do back at the hotel."

     "Oh, thank you so much. Every one is gonna be relieved  to have a helping hand." Y/n responds gratefully as we pull into the Dunkin' Donuts drive through.


     It seems that today took forever to go by. The only good thing that happened was that Dimples wasn't here today so I got to sit next to y/n in Health Sciences. We were supposed to be doing a worksheet but all y/n and I did was shoot spit balls at the other students and then look away when they looked for who did it. Currently, I'm standing at my usual spot waiting for y/n.

     "Hey," Jennifer comes up tp me. "How come you never called, my offer isn't going to be around forever you know," she says while twirling a strand of her around her finger.

     " Well, as I tried to say last Friday I already have someone helping me with my classes."

     "Well, I  doubt that they could be any better than me," Jennifer replies with a wink. "So who is it?"

      "Hey Tom," I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I look behind me. A breath of relief escapes me when I see its y/n. I turn my head backs towards Jennifer.

     "Jennifer, meet y/n. She is the friend that helps me with schoolwork." I gesture to y/n. I see Jennifer stiffen. Every one knows that y/n is one of the smartest kids in school, there is no way that Jennifer could compare to her.

     "Of course she is," Jennifer says while plastering a fake smile to her lips. And y/n returns a smile just as fake.

     "Tom, we should really get going to help out with homecoming." Y/n turns her attentions to me.

     "Yes, you're right. Well, it was nice talking to you again Jennifer. And thanks but no thanks on you're offer." I put my arm around y/n as we turn around and make our way to the classroom. Behind us we can hear the angry clicks of Jennifer platforms stomping away. 

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