Finally Meeting Her Part 1

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P.O.V.: Tom

     Haz and I are sitting in the lobby of the hotel and I am staring out the window eager for y/n to get here.

     "Relax mate," Haz says chuckling a bit.

     "Sorry," I respond as I rub my hand on my jeans. "I always get jittery when I know she's coming."

     "You are so into this girl, I understand that you are keeping stuff secret and that you have to leave in a few months, but what is stopping you from asking her out and just enjoying the few months you have with her? Isn't something better than nothing?" Haz counters.

     "Yeah, I guess. but what if she doesn't feel the same way? what if I get rejected and then I lose the only friend that I have for the rest of the time that I have here?" as I finish saying that, I see y/n's honda pull up in the corner of my eye. a smile plays at my lips.

     "Come on. She's here." we both stand up and walk through the lobby doors. I walk up to y/n and greet her with a hug. 

      "Um, y/n this is Harrison and Harrison this is y/n," I introduce them and gesture back and forth. 

      "Hello," y/n says sweetly.

     "Hi, you can just call me Haz," he greets her back.

     "Oh, you're Britsh," she inquires.

     "Yes, but I moved to New York quite some time ago," Haz lies to keep up with my story.

     "While you guys are getting to know each other is just nice, how about we do that while going to get something to eat?" I say as I can feel my stomach gurgle.

     "Yes, that is a good idea," y/n says while walking towards the driver's side of the car. "Starbucks okay with you boys?" 

     "Oh, I love Starbucks," Haz comments. And as soon as we are buckled up we head off.

Time Skip to Starbucks.

P.O.V.: Haz

     "What are you thinking boys, drive through or dine in?" y/n asks as she turns into Starbucks.

     "I think drive-through, so we aren't wasting time and you guys can show me everything," I propose.

     "Smart idea, what do you want?" Tom asks.

     "I think ill just have a Caramel Macchiato, what are you guys getting?"

     "Our usual orders, coffee with a muffin for me and a bagel for y/n."

     "You guys have a usual order?"

     "Yea, we come here almost everyone morning and them we end up being late for school," y/n answers while she and Tom chuckle. Y/n tells the lady our order then we pull up and Tom removed his seatbelt and reaches over to hand the lady our money.

     "What are you doing?" y/n asks.

     "IM paying, there is no way that I was gonna give you another chance to get another point, its 4 to 2 now," Tom answers her.

     "I was gonna let you pay anyways."

     "No, you weren't. I know you. Buying the food is me repaying you for waking us so early, and I know that thought crossed your mind this morning," he retaliates.

     "Ugh fine you got me," y/n answers while getting the drinks and food from the lady.

     "I also get another point because I just won this argument, 4 to 3. Told you I would catch up."

     "Um, does someone want to explain to me what is going on?" I ask.

     "So basically, I wanted to repay y/n for helping me with the homework but hse kept refusing so now its a competition to see how man times she can avoid me trying to repay her and how many times I successfully can," Tom explains to me.

     "Oh, that makes sense....kind of," I say. Y/n laughs.

     "Yeah, it doesn't make that much sense, but its fun. Anyways, how about we hit the mall? It should be opening soon and maybe Haz you'll find something you like and it will be your souvenir from Florida," y/n offers.

     "Sounds great."

     "I wish Tom would have told me you were coming yesterday. Then I could have shown you the sunrise here and we could have had breakfast on the beach," she explains.

     "Oh, yea sorry my bad, but she's right the sunrise is stunning. you just have to wake up extremely early to see it," Tom tells me.

     "I remember going to pick up Tom one morning to go see it and I pulled up to see that he was falling asleep on the bench outside the hotel," y/n recalls while laughing.

     "In my defense, it was like 6 in the morning when you came," Tom tries to defend himself. I join y/n in her laughter as Tom does a poor job in his defense. We pull up to the mall and y/n parks close to the door so we don't have to walk far when we want to leave.

     "Let me guess you have another Bath and Body Works coupon to use this time," Tom says and receives a glare but playful look from y/n. 

     "No," she retaliates. "But I do have a PINK coupon plus they are having a sale, but I don't think you guys would enjoy going in there. Tom, do you remember where everything is in here?"

    "Yea, I think so," he answers hesitantly.

     "Great, why don't you boys walk around and find stuff you like and I'll call you when I'm done and come to you?" 

     "Sure," I say. We split up walking in the opposite direction. 

     "So, what do you think of y/n so far?" Tom asks as we enter Pacsun.

     "I like her, I can see why you fell for her, and honestly you guys would complement each other," I answer honestly.

     "Thanks mate, that means a lot," he says while looking at a shirt.

     "So what are you going to do?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "I mean are you going to ask her out?"

     "No, I'm not, i would be putting to much at risk by putting myself out there," he explains.

     "Dont they have a homecoming here? why dont you ask her to go with you?"

     "Because we are already going together, as a whole group. Y/n, me, Carli, Chastine, Gavie, Anna, and Sam.

     "Who are those people," I ask.

     "Those are y/n friends, and you know they told me that she hasnt dated someone in 2 years," he tells me as we make our way to the fitting room to try some stuff on.

     "Wow, rweally? How come?"

     "I dont know they wouldnt tell me, all they said was that her mind set had changed," Tom responds and his phone starts ringing.

     "That was y/n," he tells me. "I told her where we were, shes on her way here."

     "Okay, lets hurry up then so we can look around at some other places. 

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