Fatherly Advise

586 18 11

*dedicated to my friend who kept pestering me to update*

P.O.V.: Tom

     "Hey, what's up mate!" I clap Harrison on the back. " How was your flight?"

     "It was good, although they kept asking for my ID every time I asked for a drink," he rolls his eyes and laughs.

     "I can't wait for you to meet everyone."

     "And I can't wait to meet the girl you've been gushing about every time we talk on the phone," Haz says while putting his luggage in the trunk of the car. 

     "Oh, y/n. Yeah, you'll get to meet her tomorrow. She's great," I can feel the blood rush to my face just thinking about her. We get in the car and my security personnel to take us to the hotel. 

     "So what have you told your new friends about me?" Haz asks.

     "Well, nothing. They think that I'm American," I reply.

     "Oh, so do they know anything about the real you?" He questions.

     "Well, no, not really. But I don't act fake to them, especially not to y/n. But I am dreading when the school year ends and I have to leave."

     "Listen, Tom, can I be honest with you?" Haz shifts in his seat so he can face me.

     "Yea, sure man."

     "I know that you are going to stay with these people for a while, so try not to get too attached to these people, especially y/n. You're not gonna be able to tell them why you have to leave or who you really are. Then when they see you when the movie comes out, they might be hurt."

     "Yea, I'm trying not to think about that. I wish I could just tell y/n the truth about everything. I mean she's a huge Marvel fan so she would be stoked to know that I am playing Spider-Man, I mean she even picked out the shoes I'm wearing now because they reminded her of Spider-Man.  And I know that if I leave without an explanation that it will really hurt her. I just wish that this whole situation was simpler," I stressfully run my finger through my hair.

     "But hey," Haz playfully punches my shoulder. "I'm here for the weekend, and we are going to have as much fun as we can."

     "Yea mate, I'll ring y/n up tomorrow morning and ask her about showing us around."


P.O.V.: y/n 

     God, what is that awful noise? I rub my eyes and look at my phone. 2 missed calls from Tom. Why is Tom calling me at 7 in the morning on a Saturday? My fingers type in his name to call him back when his contact picture blows up on my screen. How many times is this boy gonna call me?

     "Hello?" I answer, my voice a little raspy.

     "Hi, um, did I wake you?" He asks.

     "Yea, but it's fine. What's up?"

     "My friend flew in last night and I was wondering if you could join me in showing him around since you know more about the area," Tom says.

     "Um, yeah sure, just let me get dressed and I'll come and pick you guys up. I'll text you when I'm on my way. Have you guys eaten breakfast yet?" I ask as I sit up in bed and stretch.

       "No, we haven't. Could we stop by Starbucks? My treat," he suggests.

     "It better be your treat since you woke me up at 7 in the morning on a Saturday," I answer earning a chuckle from him.

     "I'm sorry, next time I'll let you sleep in. Okay, go get ready. I'll see you soon, bye."

     "Bye Tom," I hang up and walk to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I wonder who this friend of his is? I hope that he doesn't mind me tagging along when I'm sure that he would rather spend some time with Tom. 

     "Woah, you're up early," my dad says as I enter the kitchen. He's putting his ingredients into the blender to make his smoothie before he heads off to work.

     "Yea, I know. Tom woke me up by calling me 3 times to ask if I could go with him to show his friend around who flew in for the weekend," I explain as I grab a bowl and cereal from the cupboard. 

     "You've been spending a lot of time with Tom. What's going on with you guys?" Oh no, my dad has gone into overprotective mode.

     "Nothing, we are just friends. And it's not like he has anyone else to hang out with, all his friends are back in New York," I state plainly while eating a spoonful of cereal. My dad put both of his hands on the table across from me.

      "Come on, I see the way he looks at you and the way you look at him when you guys are doing your homework on the coffee table. I think it's pretty clear that you guys like each other. Y/n you are 18, you're allowed to date, to have a boyfriend. And it is the 21st century, why don't you ask him out?" He says while walking back to the blender. I choke on my food.


     "He's not a bad kid, I like him. I wouldn't mind if you guys started going out," my dad states while turning on the blender. I just sit there and process the words that just came out of my dad's mouth. I mean, it's a good thing that he like Tom, he's never really liked anyone that I liked before. My dad turns off the blender and pours his drink into his tumbler.

     "So what, if I like him? At the end of the school year, he leaves. I don't see the point in starting a relationship when I know that it's just going to end. Everyone knows that long-distance relationships take a toll and end with a  breakup. I don't see why I would willingly put myself through that pain. It's easier to lose a friend than a person you want to have a future with," I reason while quickly finishing my food. My dad looks like he's about to counter what I just said but I quickly cut him off.

     "Okay, I have to go get ready, don't wanna keep Tom and his friend waiting," I put my dishes in the sink and give a goodbye kiss on the cheek to my dad. 

     "I don't know how long I'll be out. Have a good day at work," I say as I walk to my room to get dressed.

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