Chapter 1

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The early sun rays that appeared through the giant window of Lisa's room, warning that it was already 7:35 on the warm morning of a Sunday, woke up gently and warmly the beautiful creature. After having a dream as pleasant as the one she had last night, she
tied to her sheets and blankets and the comfort of her mattress, she covers her face with her pillow preventing those sun rays that had disturbed her dream, which she was very happy with by the way, penetrate more into those big round honey-colored balls that could easily kill anyone who dared to stare at them

''oourgh'' She roared tenderly, knowing that the morning had won against her and her laziness of waking up so early in the morning of any Sunday, or that is what she thought the day would be, nothing that was not already planned.

Suddenly she was no longer sleepy, however she did not want to do anything or had nothing planned to do specifically. She simply thought that she would do the same Sunday routine. She took a last but deep sigh before throwing herself abruptly out of the more than comfortable sheets and went to her bathroom to take a shower, dressed in suitable clothes for the hot weather and then went to the kitchen to take, as she used to, drink a chocomilk. Anyone who knew that a 22-year-old woman drinks chocolate milk would say Lisa was childish, but Lisa didn't care in the least, she enjoyed every sip of it and that's what mattered most.

Already finishing the contents of the bottle, Lisa looked out the window next to the entrance of her house. She saw nothing less than a beautiful landscape which deserved, according to her, to be captured through a 70-300mm. So without thinking for another second, she crossed the kitchen and living room until she reached the door that mysteriously looked like the entrance to a magical world. It was her studio of course. She entered and took her camera and her lens. She left the studio, put on her shoes on and headed for the front door of her house, but not before caressing her three beloved kittens Leo, Luca and Lilly.

She started her car's engine without knowing where to go. She simply drove, without thinking where. Until something captivated her gaze, she stopped by an extensive park full of trees, few people, each fantastically different from the other, each with their own chores. Lisa wanted to capture that moment. She took out her camera and began to press the shutter numerous times. Breaking the comfortable silence that flooded the park. She went around to make sure she had taken everything. The first thing that took her attention was a small brown creature that moved quickly through the vast park and climbed the tall trees as fast as its little legs allowed him to. Carrying in his tiny hands nuts, when he reached the top of the highest tree, disappeared through the branches and leaves, leaving Lisa without the opportunity to capture its beauty. Suddenly, the noise of a soccer ball bouncing alarmed her and woke her up from her staggering after having seen the little squirrel leave her there, planted in the middle of the park. They were what a dad and his son looked like, playing with a white ball with black spots, spending quality family time, it was certainly something that Lisa could not relate to, but she was not affected by that and let her lens capture every milliliter of happiness that slipped from the face of those strangers. The sun at 9:24 in the morning became more visible and appeared among the clouds of the bluish sky, which caused Lisa to narrow her eyes and frown her eyebrows at the inability to see through the powerful rays of light. She was almost totally satisfied about her pictures she took until she saw her.

Lisa's heart began to pound faster, chills ran down her body, her hands began to sweat. But what was going on with Lisa? Why did she suddenly felt that way? After a minute Lisa came back to herself. With an agitated breath, she woke up from the strange paralysis she just had. After a minute Lisa came back to herself. Mysteriously, she couldn't stop looking at that girl sitting on a bench next to her two dogs, 15 meters away from her. She didn't think twice and pointed her camera at the girl and started taking pictures as if she only lived for it. She wasn't sure why she wanted to capture that girl through her lens, but she certainly enjoyed it.

She had a big smile on her face that could scream how happy she was at that moment although there was not a single moment where the girl noticed Lisa's existence. And when the memory of her camera was full of photos of this mysterious girl, Lisa kept her camera and without knowing why, she went towards her, slowly and disguised, unable to take off her big eyes from the beauty of THAT white with brown eyes. Every step she took made her heart shake harder and harder. -What is happening to me? - she asked herself, not knowing why she was doing what she was doing.

She lacked 7 steps to get where this girl was. But suddenly she heard the ringing sound of her phone. She stopped, looked at her phone screen and saw that the one calling was her best friend, so she answered quickly.

''Chaeyoung, what's up? '' Lisa said right after answering the call

''Lalisa, what are you doing? ''

''Nothing important, why? Do you want to meet up?''

''I'm hungry and I want to see you, I haven't seen you like in a thousand years ''

''haha what are you saying, we saw each other like five days ago ''

''It's still a long time, I miss you '' Chaeyoung reproached pouting

''Okay, fine. There is a new restaurant that I saw near my house, we can go there ''

''It seems perfect to me, see you at you house, bye ''

'' Okay. '' Lisa said before hanging up the call with a small smile on her face. She also missed her friend. She was putting her phone in her pocket while she remembered where she was and what she was about to do and just when she turned to face the person she was watching for so long, she realized that person was gone. She was surprised but felt more sad. She didn't understand the reason for her sadness and some disappointment. But she did not pay much attention to it, she just returned to her car and went straight home with a memory full of photos of a beautiful stranger. Lisa arrived home a bit reluctant, entered her house and went directly to her studio thus ignoring her cats who were looking intensely trying to find an explanation why Lisa was in such an emotional state, it was so obvious that even her cats could tell she wasn't okay since she arrived. She only entered her studio with the sole purpose of admiring each of the photos she had taken of that stranger just a few minutes ago.

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