Hospital and Milk Bread

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Y/n's POV

I started heading to Oikawa's house so I could go to the hospital with him. It was a Saturday so we didn't have school. As I made my way to his door, it swung open to reveal a very beautiful woman. She had long light brown hair and she seemed to resemble Oikawa. I couldn't help but stare. She then saw me with a surprised look on her face.

"Hello. Can I help you with something?" She asked smiling. She seems so nice too. Wait Y/n! You came here for a reason.

"I'm uhh looking for Oikawa. Oikawa Tooru. I'm L/n Y/n, the manager of the volleyball club and I'm suppose to go with him to the hosiptal to get his knee checked out," I explain nervously.

"Oh, I remember him talking about that. I'll go get him for you. Oh I'm his mother by the way. Nice to meet you," She smiles holding out her hand for me to take. I shyly take it telling her the same and she laughs lightly.

"Awww you're so cute! Tooru! Your friend's here to take you to the hospital!" She yells.

"Coming!" I hear him yell from upstairs.

"So do you take any interest in him?" She asks and I turn to her confused.

"I don't really understand what you mean ma'am," I reply.

"I mean, you like him don't you? Or you're like, one of his fangirls? That's why you wanted to become manager?" I understood now.

"To be perfectly honest with you, no. I didn't even take a liking to him the first time I met him. I don't really like people who are popular. I don't even understand how so many girls fall for him. I mean most people judge by looks nowadays and it getting kind of annoying. Speaking of annoying Oikawa is the perfect definition for it," I rambled but I stopped as soon as I remembered who I was talking to. I bowed multiple times and apologized.

"I'm so sorry! I was being rude!"But she only laughed and shook her head.

"There's no need to apologize. It's actually nice to hear from someone that isn't his fangirl. I know he can be quite a bothersome sometimes so I you can put up with him in your own way," She says and I sweat drop. Wow, he has such a great mom. Oikawa comes down a moment later and he smiles when he sees me.

"Y/n!" He beams. He tries to hug me and I step to the side making him fall over.

"Yeah, yeah let's go already," I told him as I roll my eyes. He gets up and puts his shoes on.

"You're so mean. Don't you care that my mom's here?" He asks and I shake my head as he gets up.

"We had a talk," I replied smirking.

"Well we're off now mom. I'll be home before dinner don't worry," He tells his mom as we walk out waving to her.

"Have fun kids!"

"How is the hospital fun?" He mumbles and I chuckle.

"I don't know. You get free candy after your checkup?" I tease and he laughs sarcastically.

"Hahaha very funny. That reminds me, I haven't eaten breakfast yet," He sighs holding his hand to his stomach.

"If you're that hungry then we'll get something to eat after your checkup," I suggest.


Mrs.Oikawa's POV

I watch as Tooru and his friend walk off and I couldn't help but wonder. L/n.... Why does it sound so familiar?

Y/n's POV

"I suggest that he doesn't play for at least two weeks so that his knee can heal," The doctor informed us. Oikawa whined and I rolled my eyes.

"But the practice match against Karasuno is in two weeks!" He argues.

"Shut it Oikawa," I reply in annoyance as we were still having a conversation with the doctor.

"Is there any way he can still play for that practice match?" I ask. He thought for a minute and replied,

"Come see me again at the end of those two weeks and I'll see if it's possible. Just let him take a break and not to be moving so fast." I nod my head and he leaves.

"C'mon Oikawa, let's go," I say to him and he listens head hanging low. Really? Does he need to do this now?

"Fine. I'll just bring you home and we'll just skip the milk bread we were going to eat," I told him and his head shot up with stars in his eyes.

"Milk bread?" He asked and I nodded smirking.

"But since you were in a mood-"

"No, I insist we go. I haven't even eaten breakfast remember?" He cuts me off, pulling me along. I laugh at his behaviour and follow him. We left the hospital and went to the convenience store to get some milk bread.

"Why milk bread?" He asked and I tilted my head in curiosity.

"It was your favorite when we were kids and I figured it still was," I answer and his eyes went wide.

"You remembered?" I nodded.

"And because Hajime kind of reminded me," I added and we both laughed. We got some milk bread and went to the counter to pay.

"So are you going to pay?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"No. I thought you were going to," I replied.

"But you were the one who said we would get something to eat after my checkup," He stated. I put a finger to my chin.

"I did say that."


"But I never said I was paying," I smirked sticking my tounge out at him, "And I didn't bring my wallet with me." He stares at me for a minute before saying,

"You're good."

"I know," I reply doing a hair flip.

"But what if I didn't bring my wallet?" He asks thinking he's smart but I already had this planned.

"We wouldn't be here if you didn't," I answer.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you take your wallet this morning at your house. I'm not stupid. But you sir...are," I explain proud of myself. He was confused for a minute but once he processed it in his head he whined.

"Fine." He took out his wallet and paid the cashier. We walked out of the store eating our milk bread until we came across one of Oikawa's fan girls. I couldn't help but groan in annoyance.

"Oikawa! I'd never expect to see you here!" She gushes. She then turns to me.

"Is she your little sister or something?" She asks. Gosh her voice was annoying.

"She's just a friend," He replied.

"Why hang out with her? She's probably such a loser. I mean who would hang out with a nobody but her?" She insulted. Oikawa looked upset and was about to say something but someone behind the girl said something before he could.

"Excuse you! How dare you insult someone like that?!"

An all too familiar voice.

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