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Y/n's POV

A week had passed after the game with Shiratorizawa and my life was still hell.  Oikawa's fangirls were always coming at me with insults and horrible nicknames, but I didn't care. I didn't let it get to me. I knew better than to listen to them, though some part of me wanted to listen to them. Like everything they were saying was true.

"You're useless."

"How could you use your friends like that?!"

"How could you betray them?!"

"I knew you weren't a good person to begin with!"

"You're a horrible person!"

"You don't deserve to live."

That was probably true. I don't really deserve to live. Something always stops me from giving up though. Well, more like someone. I always go back and think about my dad and my uncle, the two people who are always there looking out for me. I mean, kind of. My dad hasn't really called to check in on me but I know he's busy. I also think about my mom and think about what she would want me to do. I really thought things like this only happen in books, movies. I always thought my life was going to get better, and it did, for a period of time. But then everything would always go wrong eventually. That's just what happens in life. Expect the unexpected. You never really know what life's going to throw at you. But no matter what, you don't give up, you don't quit.

Then, why? Why am I here now, doing this?

"I want to quit being the manager of the boys' volleyball team."

My uncle looked somewhat surprised but also looked like he was expecting this. 

"Alright. Are you sure about this?" he asks to confirm.

"Yes. I'm sorry Uncle Irihata. I have a lot going on right now," I say. He sighs but then gives me a warm, reassuring smile.

"I understand. If you really don't want to, then I won't force you," he replies, "That just means I need to find a new manager. I'm sorry if it looks like I'm replacing you quickly Y/n. I just really need a manager to help around."

"Oh, no. I completely understand. I know how hard it is sometimes."

"Do you know anyone who would be good for the job?" he asks. I thought for a moment but then randomly sputtered a name.

"What about Takemaera?" What... Why did I say her name?!

"Really? What about B/f/n?" he asks. I shook my head. I remembered that B/f/n had joined the art club so she won't be available. "Alright then. I'll talk to her and ask if she wants to. Anyway, I have things to do. I'll see you later." He then walks out the door leaving me home alone.

It was then that I realized why I had said her name. She had me trapped. I couldn't do anything except give her what she wants. She would get the manager spot sooner or later anyway, even if I didn't say. And if I didn't listen, my dad would...No. I have to think positive. Everything will be okay in the end, right?

The next day surprisingly went by quickly. After school, I was about to make my way to the gym for practice until I remembered that I quit. I shook my head and closed my eyes, sighing. Well, time to make my way home.

Oikawa's POV

I want to talk to her, but I just can't. I can't bring myself to face her. Y/n... Did you seriously mean all those things you said? It just doesn't seem right. If you did, I should be grateful to Takemaera, right? I should be over this and forget about you? But why can't I?

"Hey, trash, you good?" Iwa-chan asks. I nod my head and smile.

"Is Iwa-chan worried about me? I'm so happy!" I exclaim. He kicks me from behind and I whine.

I make it seem like I'm fine when I'm really not.

"Is Oikawa being trash again?" B/f/n asks, laughing.

"Why do you guys always pick on me?"

I feel empty and sick to my stomach.

"Tooru~~~~" Ayuma puts her arms around me and give me a peck on the lips. "I missed you!

"I missed you too!" I exclaim. I lean in and she does as well.

Everything feels so wrong

"She quit?" I asked. Coach nodded.

"She has a lot on her plate right now so she can't make time to be manager," he explains.

"We have to find a new one then, right?" Iwa-chan asks. Coach shook his head.

"I already found one. Boys, please welcome your new manager, Takemaera,"


"Hey guys! I'm your new manager! Isn't that cool!" she exclaims.

"I mean, it does kind of make sense. She's here almost every practice anyway," Kindaichi says.

"Now I get to come to all your games! Isn't that great Tooru!" She beams as she hugs me.

"Yeah, I guess," I say smiling.

"Alright boys! Get to practice!"

"Yes sir!"

So very wrong...

Y/n's POV

"Hey dad!"

"Y/n! I have good news!"

"I'm coming back home."

Hi guys! Sorry for taking a while but I'm back! I know this chapter is short but I have way more coming your way!  I'll try to have another chapter up tomorrow but if not, then sometime next week.  Also, if anyone is in high school, can you please give me tips and advice on high school because I'm starting high school registrations soon and I am very stressed. Thank you! I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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