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Y/n's POV

A few days had passed since the practice match and things were pretty normal so far. I had really become closer with everyone and I was getting used to this life here. The only thing that wasn't different was that it was very chaotic like always.

"Rolling... THUNDER!!!"

"You should really change that name!!!"

"Hinata boke!!!"

"What did I do?!"


"These idiots are annoying."

"Ow Suga! Why'd you hit me?!"

"Because you guys should start practice instead of fooling around."

"Nishinoya-senpai! Please teach me the rolling thunder!!"

"Huh? Oh, well...If you insist! As your senpai, I'll teach you the rolling thunder!!"

"Who would want to learn that?!!"

"Hinata! You have to work on you're spikes!!"

"Tsukki!! Let's practice together!!"

"Yeah whatever."

I looked over at Daichi and he looked pissed. I took a step back and got ready for him to go off on them. Suga tried to get them to practice but Daichi interrupted him.

"C'mon guys, let's-"

"GET PRACTICING ALREADY!!!" He shouted. Everyone turned to him frightened and obeyed. Daichi still seemed mad so Suga tried to calm him down. I snickered at the team as they were still shaken up by Daichi. When I went over to Kiyoko and Yachi, Yachi seemed to be scared out of her mind and Kiyoko seemed to be perfectly fine. I wasn't too surprised by their reactions. I patted Yachi's back and gave her a reassuring smile which she relaxed. I got to remind Daichi that he should tone it down a notch since we have innocent beans here.

Practice ended so I ended up walking home with Tobio. It was a quiet but peaceful walk. I looked over at him and smirked.

"So, Tobio. Got any love interests yet?" I ask. His face turned red and I laughed. He shook his head and I raised a brow.

"Really? Well you and Hinata seem to be really close. If you're into guys then I totally support you," I tease him and he just got redder every second.

"It's not like that! We're just friends!" He defended himself. I got taken by surprise. Not because he didn't like Hinata but because he said that they were friends. I've known Tobio for a long time and he was never someone to care about having friends. I hadn't really realized how much he had changed since then. He really was changing and I'm guessing it was thanks to Hinata. I couldn't help but smile for my cousin. I then surprised him by giving him a hug. 

"Huh? Y/n-"

"Tobio, I'm really proud and happy for you," I tell him. His face was full of confusion and I just shook my head and chuckled. "Let's just go home."

Two Weeks Later

Today was another practice match with Aoba Johsai but this time we were going over to their school. When I got up this morning I felt as if something bad was going to happen but I shrugged it off. What's the worst that could happen anyway? 

Time went pretty fast but for some reason, I had wished it would slow down. The bell rang for dismissal and I collected my things. Today, my dad wanted to drop me off to the practice match just because 'he wanted to be the best dad in the world' or something like that. I really didn't get it but I ignored it knowing that my dad was weird sometimes. Once I got to the car a weird feeling in my stomach appeared. But again, I ignored it. Nothing bad is going to happen Y/n, calm down. 

Third Person POV

Everyone was starting to arrive for the practice match at Aoba Johsai. Karasuno had entered the gym and saw the other team warming up already. They then heard high pitch squeals and yells.

"Oikawa! You got this!"

"We're rooting for you!"

Oikawa looked towards his fangirls and waved at them giving them his charming smile. Tanaka growled.

"When can I kill him?"

"You're just jealous that you don't have any fangirls," Tsukishima sneered.

"What was that?!" Tanaka yelled getting all up in Tsukishima's face until Daichi pulled him back.

"Stop picking on the first years Tanaka," he said. Before Tanaka could protest the great king himself approached them.

"Well, well, well. We meet again," he said.

"What the hell do you want!" Tanaka yelled getting up in his face which Daichi pulled him back, again.

"I hope you're ready to lose," Oikawa smirked. He looked around but noticed you weren't there. "Anyway, you had three girls with you last time. Where's the other one? Did she quit?" He asked trying to sound like he was mocking them. They all looked around and indeed you weren't there. You should have been there by now.

Iwaizumi then yanked Oikawa from behind and apologized to them for Oikawa being such a pain. He then took Oikawa away back to their own team. Even if you weren't there, the practice match had to get started.

The practice match started and you still hadn't shown up. There could be many possibilities as to why you weren't there but they didn't know what. The coach, your uncle, noticed you were missing and had gotten worried as well. He had tried to contact your father many times knowing that he was the one dropping you off but there was no answer.

During a time out in the second set, he received a phone call from a number he didn't recognize. Not knowing the number, he answered.


"Hello, is this Nobuteru Irihata?" a female voice asked.

"Yes, you're speaking to him."

"I'm from the Hyutaru Hospital. Your brother d/f/n d/l/n and your niece Y/n L/n have gotten into a car accident."

(Y/n's Family Explanation- Irihata is Y/n's dad's brother. Her mother was the sister of Tobio's mom. So your last name would be Irihata but I'll just let you choose because this is just a story and I don't think anyone really cares. I didn't even think about this family explanation until now lol.)

Hi guys and Happy National Anime Day! For this special day, I will be updating another chapter today so watch out for that. Also, thank you guys so much for 50+k views and 1k likes! You guys are literally the best. I love reading your comments because they make me laugh so keep them up. Have an awesome day! Question of the day: What are you doing to celebrate anime day?  


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