Chapter 7

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The dress fitting took a couple hours, but eventually it was over, which was a relief. It was a nightmare. I hated when they had to take my measurements. Although, the dress I was going to be wearing was super cute. It was a simple, long flowing, royal blue dress. Personally, I thought it suited my body very well. It hung to my curves perfectly. The other bridesmaids were wearing the same one, and they both looked good in it too and they were about twenty years older than me.

My mom and Ella had gone out somewhere, shopping I presumed, and I was at home reading a book because Lola went to visit her grandma again. She was always visiting her grandma for some reason and it kind of made me wish my grandparents lived closer. At around half past four, Sally texted me wondering if I wanted to come over and help her with her garden. Since I wasn't really doing anything and the book I was reading wasn't that amazing, I told her I would.

I put on some leggings and a sweatshirt and went over to her house, not stopping for coffee this time. Noah's truck was in the driveway instead of the back like last time, which I was glad about. At least I had a warning that he was there.

As I approached Sally's front door, I didn't feel as nervous, since I kind of knew what to expect. Her kind and spunky personality was fun to be around.

"Long time, no see, Abigail," Noah smirked when I went inside. He was spreading peanut butter onto a piece of bread, which reminded me it was around supper time and I had forgotten to eat. Sally wasn't in sight.

"Hi, Noah," I said in an excessively chipper voice, wanting to sound like it didn't bother me that he was around. Sally probably wouldn't be too pleased if I was rude to her grandson, would she?

"Do you want a sandwich?" He asked, pressing the pieces of bread together, "I can see you eyeing this down. I mean, typically a person would eat before they go to work but you don't seem to be a typical person."

"No thanks," I said, surprised that he offered, "I don't like peanut butter and jelly." I was trying to figure out if he meant it as a compliment that I wasn't a typical person. Probably not, because based on the things he'd said before, he was very judgmental about my character for someone who didn't know me at all.

He rolled his eyes. "I should have known you'd be someone who doesn't like peanut butter and jelly. You just have that vibe. My grandma has meat and cheese, if you want one. I can make it."

I shrugged. "Well, if it's not any trouble. But, I don't put mayo or butter in my sandwiches. Only meat and cheese."

He scrunched up his nose. "Weirdo."

"Oh you're here!" Sally came scuttling out of one of the rooms in the hallway before I could reply to Noah. She was wearing a T-shirt dress with tiny flowers and a pair of black flats. She looked nice, although I was wondering how she'd get any gardening done with that kind of outfit.

I smiled nonetheless. "Hi!"

"Karen just called to invite me over for coffee, but you guys can work on the garden while I'm gone! Noah knows where the gardening supplies are!" She exclaimed, running to the mirror to adjust her hair and then grabbing her purse from the counter. I tried to hold back my groan. I'd be there alone with Noah?

Sally left a few minutes later and I quickly went to the bathroom. When I got back, Noah was done with my sandwich and it was sitting on a plate on the island.

"Thanks," I said, "Who knew you could be nice?" Noah chuckled, not saying anything as I took a bite. My teeth hit a layer of plastic, making me regret my words. "I take that back." I glared. He had left the plastic wrapping on the cheese.

Noah grinned, his white teeth shining. "Classic prank."

"Juvenile prank if you ask me," I grumbled, opening the sandwich up and ripping the plastic off the cheese dramatically.

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