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[Adam's POV]
I woke up in an empty bed, and the sun beaming into my face. I put on my glasses and yawned. I checked my phone and saw that I got a Email from YouTube. 'What's this?' I thought to myself as I opened the Email. The heading said, 'Congrats on 2mil/22 mile stone!' I skimmed though the Email, thinking it was a joke, but I eventually saw that it was true! I jumped up in excitement and ran downstairs to tell the others. I saw James talking to Jaiden. I guess they made up?

"Guys guess what!" I yelled as I flew down the stairs, and tripping on the last one and ending up falling. "Well you sure look excited." Timothy said as he put his hand out to help me up. I grabbed his hand and pushed up my glasses and with a smile on my face, I explained why I'm so excited. James gasped and gave me a big hug. "Congratulations!" James said, still hugging me and I hugged back. The others congratulated me and I realized that I need to make a video about this. "Jameson, what if we make a video on my channel like the one we made on yours?" I asked James and he responded immideitly, "That sounds great!" "Me and Jaiden are going somewhere today, so you two have the house to yourself. Don't burn anything down.." Timothy explained to us. Me and James looked at each other with a smile on our faces in excitement.

[Time thing]

We recorded the video and I was editing it. "How's it going?" James asked, and looked into the door way to where I was editing. "It's almost done." "Sweet." James said as he sat on the chair next to me. He put his head on my shoulder and watched me edit. "Creeper.." I said with a smile crawling onto my face. "AWWW MAN!" James yelled back. I then switched tabs to the song that we were talking about. "Lets play a game while they're gone." I said while starting up the WII U.

[Time skip]

[Jaiden POV]
Timothy unlocked the door and I went inside with the grocerys. "We're hooome." I yelled through out the house. "Ah! YES!" I heard Adam say from the recording room. Me and Timothy slowly turned out heads to each other. "What was that?" Timothy asked. "YES! YOU DID IT! RIGHT THERE!" We heard James yell from the recording room. We placed down the grocerys and slowly walk to to room where the questionable noises were coming from. I opened the door slowly and saw Adam bouncing up and down rapidly on the couch and James was no where in sight.

Adam turned his head to look at me and he said, "Oh! You're home already?" Adam continued to bounce as James popped his head out from the other side. "We're playing Mario Maker, wanna join?" James said as he stood up. I walked over and saw the TV on and Adam with the controller in his hand and trying to get passed a level while impatiently bouncing up and down. I looked down to see James with a tiny fort on the floor and staring up to me. I let out a sigh of relief and yelled to Timothy, "It's safe to come in." Timothy shifted in the door and looked and saw what I saw.

[Time Skip brought to you by your dirty mind by thinking they were doing something dirty... >:) ]

[Adam's POV]
After a good hour of playing Mario Maker and Smash Bros, Jaiden brought up an idea. "What if we finally use the pool in the back and throw a party?" "That sounds fricking cool." I replied and everyone else agreed. "Alright, I'll make a group chat  with some people that we can invite- wait a minute.. whats... this?" Timothy said but got cut off by a notification on his phone. "Omg, guys, we just got invited to Felix's party..!" Timothy added while showing us the text. "Wait, what?! Really?!" Me and James said at the same time and with our jaws dropped. "Yes! The text he sent out said there will be food, swimming, games, spin the bottle, a.. merch store..? And more!" "You lost me at food." I said to Timothy and everyone laughed. "Let's go then!" James said as he rushed off to his room. I went to my room also and changed into my red bathing suit and a grey shirt over top and brought a change of clothes.

I waddled my way over to the front door where everyone was waiting for me and we headed off to the party.

[Time Skip. Btw, this is a crossover with my other book called, "Friends in a house." Smart, right? I know.. teehee.]

[James POV]
We walked out of the car and up to the big mansion and knocked on the door. We were greeted by the man himself, Felix. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" I told Felix as he let me and the others in. "Yeah, same! Enjoy the party! Just don't break anything." Felix said with a laugh at the end and walked off. I heard someone knocking on the door so I walked over and opened it. I opened the door and was face to face with Denis, Elijah, Ethan, Hayden, Albert, and Jake, also known as the Roblox crew. I greeted them and I saw Jake and Albert rush into the gaming room. I ventured farther into the house and saw everyone outside with Jaiden already in the huge pool and Timothy jumping in and Adam just sitting on the grass. I walked outside and joined them and sat on the grass with Adam.

I looked over to the side of me and saw a water gun that was full. I slowly reached over and grabbed it without Adam seeing and then sprayed it into his chest. "Hey! Stop!" Adam said with a chuckle at the end. Adam looked the other way so I couldn't shoot his face when I saw him reach over to grab two things. I watched him in confusion and finally, when he turned around:

I laughed and so did Jaiden and Timothy as they walked over to us

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I laughed and so did Jaiden and Timothy as they walked over to us. "I like the new look." Jaiden said to Adam. "Thanks, I've been working on it." Adam said as he shook his chest back and forth, causing the balls to fall out of his shirt. "Dang it!" The man child exclaimed. "It's surprising that you haven't drank one cup of beer this entire time and you still do this." I said, and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm surprised too." Adam replied and put his hand on my shoulder. We just awkwardly stared at each other for a good minute until we started laughing.

I soon saw everybody go inside so we went inside too to see what was happening. We saw everyone sitting on the floor in a circle with a bottle on the middle. "They must be playing spin the bottle." Adam said as he backed up a little. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the circle and we sat down. "Alrighty everybody, let's get this game started." Someone said.

It soon was my turn to spin it and I did. I pushed the cold bottle with my finger and it spun. It was slowing down and I hopped it wasn't anyone who I didn't like or know. I soon came to a stop, and faced to the person next to me. I looked over and saw Adam who was texting on his phone. I looked back to see everyone looking at me then I looked back at Adam. I grabbed his hair and he screamed, "Ow!" And his head landed in my lap. "Oh hi, I didn't see ya there-" I cut him off by kissing him. He shortly kissed back and everyone 'aww' - ed at our weirdly positioned kiss. I stopped and sat back up and Adam just laid his head on my leg and went back onto his phone. Next it was Albert's turn and it landed on Jake. They immideitly smashed they're lips together, making Albert fall backwards. Anthony stood up and brought them up stairs to where they could finally "get a room."

[Time thing]

We finally got home and I struggled up the stairs and changed into comfortable clothes and flopped onto my bed. I heard my phone buzz so I grabbed it and checked and saw a video on Pewdiepie's Twitter. I clicked on it and it showed the whole game of spin the bottle, including my kiss with Adam. I shut off my phone, not worrying about the video and slowly went to sleep.

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