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[Adam POV]
I pin James onto the wall behind him and stare deep into his eyes. "A-adam, what are y-you doing..?" James stuttered. His stutter was always so cute. Wait.. what am I doing?! I let go of James and back away looking down at my hands. "I-im sorry, James." I sit down on my bed in shame, trying to hold my other personality back. James walked towards my and sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Is everything okay?" James asked innocently. "No.. it's not.. you should go before it's to late." I said to James. "To late for what?" James said while bringing me into a side hug.

I could feel my other personality coming out. "Run." I said sternly. James took his hand off of me. "W-what?" "You need to go." That's when..




A/N- you were hoping there was more right? HaH, you were wrong, get noob 👌💯👌😂😂👌👌👌💯💯💯💯😂👌👌👌💯👌👌😂😂😂👌💯💯💯

(Next chapter is coming out fast btw)

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