EP 06.: Ddu-du Ddu-du

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Jennie walked down the street feeling nervous to say the least. She was feeling a bit uncomfortable because of the heels she decided to wear and her outfit, which was covered by her black long coat. Since she was going to meet Jisoo, she considered this a date and had the amazing idea of preparing herself to look cute in front of her. Maybe she went too far away and ended up choosing the most uncomfortable clothes she had in her wardrobe but Jennie was satisfied with the outcome. Her hair was loose but beautiful, the only disadvantage she had was the wind: It blew so strongly at least one strand of hair was always on her face.

But Jennie did not care, she knew she looked cute and was pleased with how she looked which was enough. Now, the only thing she hoped for was for Jisoo to like her looks too. She tried to be confident, Jennie looked at the mirror at least a hundred times to check her apparience and compliment herself so she could feel good about It.

However, she also knew Jisoo's looks couldn't be surpassed by anyone, not even her, she looked like a goddess un Jennie's eyes. But Jennie didn't just like her because of her looks. Yes, at first she felt attracted to her because if that but, as time passed by, she fell in love with her persona. She ended up listening to some conversations she had with Lisa (since she seemed to be the only one who she talked to there) and fell in love with her personality as well.

A few minutes later she found herself in front of the coffee shop, people walked by her but ignored her. She just stood in front of the door, thinking if she should really do it.

Jennie looked through the shop's big glass window and immediately saw her. This time she wasn't talking to Lisa, she just waited in a random table. Her eyes moved towards the counter, where she found Rosé and Lisa talking.

The american took a deep breath and finally came into the shop. As soon as she stepped in, Rosé waved at her and gave her a thumbs up, so did Lisa. Jennie then nodded at them, with a shy smile glued on her face. She looked at the table Jisoo was sitting and made eye contact without noticing.

They both stayed there for what seemed like hours to Jennie until another costumers came into the coffee shop and slightly pushed Jennie to the side to come in.

Jennie then started walking to Jisoo, her cheeks obviously bright red and, to her own surprise, Jisoo's too.

She bowed at her as soon as she got close to her crush which made Jisoo stand up to tell her It wasn't necessary. Jennie only nodded and sat in front of Jisoo looking down, her shyness preventing her from speaking.

"You look pretty" said Jisoo in korean starting a conversation. The unexpected commet made Jennie's cheeks become a strong shade of red that made Jisoo giggle.

"Thank you" answered Jennie silently, still looking down as she didn't have to guys to look at Jisoo again, much less in the eyes.

"You seem to have prepared yourself for today, i've never seen you like this" Jisoo pointed out smiling brightly at her, she did enjoy that look of the american. However, she looked too uncomfortable for her own enjoyment "maybe a bit too much"

No answer came from Jennie, maybe because she was still shy from the first compliment of maybe because she was trying to discover what she meant by saying she prepared a bit too much.

"Are you uncomfortable, Jennie?" Her voice started sounding a bit worried, she noticed Jennie's heels, which looked extremely painful.

"No!" She said immediately making eye contact "i'm just shy, that's all..." she looked down again while trying to explain herself.

Another soft giggle came from Jisoo's lips "not that, dummy" Jennie could feel her heart jump "i meant your outfit, your heels look painful"

"Oh..." Jennie's ears started feeling hot, very hot "yeah... Kinda, it's ok though"

"Hmmm not really, i don't want you to have a bad time while you're with me" Jisoo said "do you want to come to my house? It'll be much more comfortable there" anotyer beautiful smile appeared in Jisoo's lips, making the invitation impossible for Jennie to decline, not like she was going to say no anyway.


Jisoo stood up right away and took her purse "c'mon, my car is not far away from here, you can take your heels once we get there" then, she took Jennie's hand and held It strongly. The american didn't even have words to say during the small walk to the car.

Jisoo was holding her hand and she was about to go to her house, what more could she ask for?

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