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So after all of that happened in the school, i obviously thought to let it all go and just study because my parents wanted me to score good in the final exams. Everything with that, went completely fine. And soon i was all set to leave my home and shift to KOTA for two years to prepare for an entrance exam that promised to get me into one of the most reputed engineering colleges of India.
Honestly, i was really excited for this new experience i was about to have. But little did i know that it would change everything.

During the first few days, i was busy setting up things, the way i had it planned in my mind. And also just studying and figuring out things related to that.

I clearly remember my first day there.
The classes hadn't started yet and my internet was also not working properly,
So i sat in my room, just looking at things and thinking what was i even doing. I asked myself, "What am i doing, soo far from my family sitting in a room of an unknown town and watching the time go by?"

But eventually everything was normal and soon i got completely indulged in the "process".

There was one thing that i told no one and never accepted. It was this, i always had a hope, a hope that someday 1116 will try to contact me and blah blah. But *spoiler alert* it never happened.

Also, i used to dance with the imaginary 1116 and that used to be the only thing that made me actually a bit happy and also a bit sad. Otherwise it would have just been a set of pretty bland days. And yeah i laugh at that too. I didn't just give myself that name, "hopeless romantic".  It took a lot of research and analysis about everything i had ever been.

I saw the days passing by and for the first time in my life i was starting to actually see myself, like what i was doing, why i was doing it and how i was doing it. As i told earlier that I'm not that good in making friends but I got to know 2 people in kota, they lived in the room next to mine. They were nice people so i saw myself interacting with them and discussing about the academic problems we had.

Few more months passed and it was time for the first vacation. I went home for a few days ofcourse with the hope to just get a glimpse of 1116. Yeah i was pathetic. Nothing of that sort happened.

I came back to kota and things went back to normal. And yes when i say normal i mean working my ass off just to get few more marks in the monthly tests and just studying so i don't feel like the only stupid person in the "race". I have had times when i was at the top of my game and also when i was at the bottom. But one thing that I'm proud of is that i kept playing. No matter how hard it hit me, no matter those sleepless nights yielded anything or not. I used to fill every void that i had within by spending time with myself. And I'm glad to say that it worked, i mean most of the times.

So overall my first year in kota was pretty great. You can say that it was like the first part of a giant rollercoaster where i just went up without having a clue that soon things will go down, taking me with them.

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